From Mulligans to Merriment (with dear friends)

Not everything works 100% of the time. Being a black and white person (in recovery), I have a hard time understanding why what has worked in the past does not work in the present. The battle of “who gets to hold the toothbrush” heated up as Tatum forgot the “I count to 10” rule and then [you] can hold it.  The not so pretty incident had me question the tone of the day. I would not let this stand in the way of happy day! Upon a mulligan with the toothbrush to get it right and be successful, we were headed out for a great day with some old, dear friends.

During the drive to their house, I decided to tell the story of how I knew Dick and Marilyn. I told her that I wanted her to be the kind-hearted, lovely little girl that she is and show respect and love to them.

Tatum took them both in with merriment and absolutely seemed to adore them as much as I do.

IMG_5119Dick and Marilyn played with her for a while and they also spent time encouraging me which mommies always need! Sometimes one just needs to hear that she is doing some things right, and they both ooze positivity. I truly cherish them in my life, and I know Tatum will continue to build a relationship with them. She sure felt comfortable!



She just chilled out and read, studying a bit about marinating and herbs from Cook Magazine, as we visited.

IMG_5125Their influence in my life has been immeasurable.