Maybe HE was mad?

The storm last night….you would think that God was furious. Our home took a real hit. Doug even had to stay home from work due to all the damage.
One of our trees in the front may be irreparable.

And the backyard??
Our Pergola completely ruined.

God, we are sorry.

These are the ELEPHANTS!

We had a SURPRISE today! I had it all planned out. She’d walk in and IT WOULD BE…ELEPHANT HEAVEN!

and some Gluten Free/Egg Free/Dairy Free apple muffins. (ugh..I think they worked?)

How cute is this table?

And she was SOOOO surprised!

And she got a lil elephant lovie!

We’re ready for her reborn.
She hasn’t changed at all. This was her when she was 2…completely nurturing. I love my girl.