GOALS and looking forward

Today there was a beautiful storm which left these wonderful promising remnants.

It reminded me of our day.

The first assignment I gave Tatum in homeschool was this:

She was to write a letter to herself giving her goals.

She wants to work on Math, be neat, and of course be in Special Needs in some capacity.

She also wants to be more organized; so she organized her desk!

It was a great day of accomplishment, smiles, and looking forward. She is looking forward to her new twins coming any day now.

Coopy? He just cannot get enough of Tatum.

I love my family.

First day of school and PHONE CALL DAY!

Why not start school on the BEST DAY EVER! Yes, this was the day, TWELVE….12!!! years ago I received the phone call that would change my life forever. Dr. Kaufman asked me if I wanted a bbbbbaaaaabbbbbeeeeeeeeee???? What do you think I said? The rest is “hi”story…and quite a story.

SO, I got the room set up, and Tot showed donning her “uniform.”

Brekkie. With sprinkles. a joke. and a heart.

Coopy, Sammy, and Rio…all ready?

Ok, so we stared with a little “GETTING TO KNOW YOU.”

I love it! I thought this would be fun!
We got her Math, Grammar, English, and Reading journals all set up. Also a reflection journal. We did L.O.T.S of handouts. Lots of cheering. And, she got to work!

Then after it ALL, she reflected.

Such a fun first day; even better because we both felt awful. WE MADE IT WORK! I LOVE YOU BUMBY!
I can’t wait for more. XXOO

Starting Gymnastics!

We’ve come FULL circle! When she was only 3 1/2 she went to Scottsdale Gymnastics.

She’s back!

And so ready to rock and roll

She is having so much fun! I can’t wait to see how she grows. I am loving watching her every Monday.

We’ve got this! Sixth grade here we come!

I even had a shirt made for HAYVEN middle school.

I cannot wait! I even got a car seat/bassonet for SAM!

Coopy, you’ll be fine!

Thursday, August 22nd (the phone call day!!!) we are starting Grammar (from Royal Fireworks Press), Writing, Vocab, and of course SAXON!
Now, tomorrow I have ACTIVITIES for her! We’ll play “Getting to Know you,” Two Truths and A Lie, a GOAL paper (essay), and get her notebooks all set up.

Here we come!

Welcome SAM! He came!

Excuse the complete picture here…Let’s get his weight.

Now she gets to dress him! He’s going out for a walk, so he has to get protected from the sun.

Exhausted! Let’s get him in his bouncer.

And get that boy fed!

Tatum will read to him as he falls asleep.

And tomorrow, we’ll go to Costco and get Tot’s new glasses!

How does he look?

He’ll go in his Pillow.

What do you think!!!?

A beautiful mommy.

We have to get home because see this daunting schedule?

Right now he’s resting. She’s a great mom!

The obstacle course of our lives

It’s kind of a synonym for our lives. Weaving side to side; up and down; fall; trip; sprint….It’s all in there like a rich spaghetti sauce. Tatum made this the other day in our living room as she tired herself out.

I think all three of us Hays feel this way daily. Tired. Run down. Exhausted from the challenges…. We need some joy, right?

Well, this did provide some laughter and smiles. (and a few bruises along the way)

Sometimes I wish we could have our obstacle course end like this! But, alas, Jesus didn’t promise us things would be easy.

I love you Tot. Thank you for illustrating this, and for making me smile.

New eyes, toes, fingers, and kindness

We had to RETURN to the eye doctor. Now things are blurry far away.

It was a NEED to have pretty toes and feet since one part of her body is not fixed quite yet.

But Tatum ALWAYS gives back. She got this little unicorn for 2-year old Eliana since she was to babysit her.

We are grateful.