Tatum found out today why she has been feeling AWFUL almost daily. We cut out all the potential allergens and to no alas…no change. No dairy, gluten, eggs….still, major nausea, cramping, fatigue.
We opted to see Dr. Katz for a food test and alas we found some major culprits that I feed her daily! And that are in so many foods.

And the verdict???? Vanilla, Lemon, Potatoes, Gluten, Avocados, Oats, Eggs, Cauliflower, Carrots…..many of her favs..and they are hiding in so many foods!

So after I threw out half our frig and pantry, we snuggled with Coopy on the bed. He was so sweet.

Coopy cheers us up!

And so…Sprouts tomorrow to find many alternative and to make many new ideas!!
It will be awesome!
Right Coopy?