Love Day PLUS Graduation ALL IN ONE day!

ELEVEN…ahem…ELEVEN!! Years ago it was official! TATUM ISABELLA become a KNIGHT… HAY (which we’ll celebrate on July 9th)

Every year, we celebrate this special day, and today, I told her AGAIN the story of the day I went to the courthouse with her in tote.

And then, it happened!

We were all beaming from ear to ear.

So today, I got her a bunch of little goodies to celebrate. The day fell on her graduation from 5th grade. She had this waiting.

A new……

Close your eyes!

iMac! My dear brother recommended this over a laptop to learn good posture and typing. PLUS, we can all use it in the living room. It’s so glorious!

Then the ceremony…

Then a few other goodies.

Just because he’s so stinkin’ cute! Do big things in her compact self.

This little girl is now dressed for success!

The best year 2024 for school to end and begin. We ended 5th grade SO MUCH better than it began. I love teaching her and watching her learn.

I couldn’t be more grateful for her and being her mommy.

Amen!! XXOO

May you do BIG things!

A Happy Birthday!

His love has been my saving grace. What would I do without Jesus? His love does conquer all! Maybe it just hasn’t caught up with my health struggles yet, but He is with me through it all.

I woke up to a lovely Happy Birthday song from Tot and joy from my Hubby.

We got ready for church, and Coopy wanted to love on me too!

Join us Tot!!

Coopy got kicked out of this one, and I removed my specs.

Church was wonderful, but more importantly, I was just glad I wasn’t symptomatic today!
God was GOOD!!!
Mom couldn’t come over, however, as we are putting things off until we all heal. It’s been a struggle, but we are powering through.

Later, Tot sang THREE songs to me! She sang about a woman named Stephanie Knight adopted a baby at birth and it changed BOTH of their lives. I WEEPED.

Then she did a rap with herself on the iPad and danced for me!

I was OVERWHELMED and so happy!
Then she spoiled me with some gifts as well as little Coopy.

My sweet honey gave me the BEST card and pillow! I also get to purchase a “big ticket” item when I’m ready. He’s so good to me.

The pillow says it all. I AM BLESSED BEYOND BELIEF.

Getting money the old fashioned way: EARNING IT!

She’s been keeping track of her reading as I said I’d pay her $5 for every 100 minutes she reads.

This morning, she showed me:

She’s been plowing through this set:

She did her math…

And realized she was short for the Critter set she wanted.

Daddy, can I pull weeds for an hour for $10?

I love her work ethic. It worked, and she bought her Critter set.


We love this publisher: Chicken Scratch Books. They put out CLEAN and Christian-minded literature for youths.

Here is what she just finished:

And for the final project, she chose to research the dragons:

She went above and beyond with her claymation!

Then she presented to Daddy and me.

We had such fun with this book!

Best Mother’s Day…I love being a MOM!

Tatum would sing this morning at SBC!

But first, I got a sweet text from her while I got ready.

I also got one from Austin!! I was so honored.

When we got there, of course we had to get ready for the camera, right? I love this girl.

Anyway, Why do I love this girl so much?

Being her teacher, mom, friend, counselor, and nurse, I wear many hats. However, lately, we’ve been more friends. She’s had to watch me really suffer this past year, and for that, I’m not happy, but I am grateful that she is here. She’s become resilient because of it.

Then she was up on stage today….

She had to sit down! Then, exiting the stage in the back, she fainted. Oh my…we came straight home. She just had a bad bout of dehydration I think, but man, it put a change in our plans. So the rest of the day was really rest. But later, she put together a concert for Daddy and me.

THREE songs she made up about loving me and “that’s MY MOM!” Yeah…with the hip hop beat.

Dancing and singing. All to songs she made up from beats she created. It was amazing. The best I’ve ever seen!
Then she honored me with some gifts. The card was so kind.

she mentioned our “ping-pong days” which is so true and sad (with my health) but I know they are getting better.

“I don’t even want to go on vacation. I just want you BETTER!” YES!

A whole gift box of bath goodies, candle, and the cutest cup.

Then Coopy got me something. YES!

He will vacuum for me? The best dog ever.

And my honey. My sweet HHH got me the BEST card and money for SBC cafe which has the most adorable Jesus trinkets.

I gave Tatum this because she is the best mom to Rio. He is so blessed to have her; her responsibility shines with having him.

I just felt so loved and honored. We’ll celebrate my mom next week since we all were kind of sick today.

Coopy loved on me at the end of the night as usual!

I love my family.

Just another Critter day and Piano time!

Today after we got a tour of Blake, I got a tour of Critter-ville.

She created all these rooms!
There are different families that live in this Critter Compound.

This is the baby’s room; aren’t they just so adorbs!


And here is the church. Critters just got out.

Later on, she showed me her new song, “In May,” on the piano, and Coopy just couldn’t get enough!