ELEVEN…ahem…ELEVEN!! Years ago it was official! TATUM ISABELLA become a KNIGHT…..now HAY (which we’ll celebrate on July 9th)
Every year, we celebrate this special day, and today, I told her AGAIN the story of the day I went to the courthouse with her in tote.

And then, it happened!

We were all beaming from ear to ear.
So today, I got her a bunch of little goodies to celebrate. The day fell on her graduation from 5th grade. She had this waiting.

A new……
Close your eyes!

iMac! My dear brother recommended this over a laptop to learn good posture and typing. PLUS, we can all use it in the living room. It’s so glorious!
Then the ceremony…

Then a few other goodies.

Just because he’s so stinkin’ cute! Do big things in her compact self.

This little girl is now dressed for success!

The best year 2024 for school to end and begin. We ended 5th grade SO MUCH better than it began. I love teaching her and watching her learn.
I couldn’t be more grateful for her and being her mommy.
Amen!! XXOO
May you do BIG things!