What will Daddy do now that Tot has taken over the grass trimming? Hmmmmm??? She’s a natural! I think she thinks she’s “driving,” and that makes if more fun.

She also is getting a nice chunk of change for her pushing and pulling (weeds that is). She is very motivated to make money for Nickolaus. And Daddy is very kind in having her help!
When she finishes mowing, she goes right into teaching mode. I love hearing her teach all of the things I teach her (math/fractions, grammar facts, writing an essay, the Gospel). SO FUN!

They have all of their materials! Bookmarks, books, and their attention!
A time for stretching and yoga. (She wanted to be with me while I walked on the treadmill) Of course Cooper had to be a part. What do they call a downdog for him? Hmm??

And today, we started on her business. DOG TREATS! Two ingredients: whole wheat flour and pumpkin. Easy peasy.
Rolling rolling rolling, cutting cutting cutting, placing placing placing.

Test…Coopy? Like them?

He LOVES!!! Hooray! We are ready for business.
Stay tuned! Proud of my Tot!