Official FIRST DAY of the “HAY”ven HOMESCHOOL!

I had a doc appt today, so we got a late start. But HAY! We did it!

We started this morning with our

Pledge to AMERICA
Pledge to the HOLY BIBLE

The Hay verses for our school (in pink and purple)

Our verse of the week! We’ll make this one last 3.

I had my lessons all planned out.

(cold but ready)

I like to always start with a read aloud (from Maniac Magee), then she “reflects” in her reflection journal.

Some Math drills and mad minutes. Then Math probs and grammar.


I have a little treasure box (see the brown box in the pic)> Yes, she’ll get to pick goodies out as she earns them.

Today, she worked so hard, and we continue to learn together in the HAYVEN. Maniac Magee will be a fun lit study.

We’ll also be working on her
WRITING from the Young Writer’s Workshop (a young writer’s help publishing group)

Books from Chicken Scratch (a clean publisher!)

Bible Studies from Not Consumed

And Saxon Math.

Grammar? I’m using the book study for now and some of Shurley too.

History? We’ll still use her workbook, but I want to read some Autobios of famous historic figures and missionaries.

Stay tuned for more excitement!

FIVE years with my HAY loves

Hand in hand, the HAYS are growing closer every year. My HHH gave me this lovely card early in the day. It would be a day he would stay home from work and just hang with us.

Tatum and I took a nice stroll down to our ocean.

They were so delightful to watch. Just as I’m sure our family looks. Serene on the outside, but underneath that water we are swimming like crazy…keeping afloat. Yes, we have worked so hard these last years and it’s been really challenging with my health and some other bonding times. BUT, with that, we now can see we are OVERCOMERS and IN LOVE.


Side BY SIDE we stand. Stronger than ever.

And Tatum keeps growing stronger and taller too!

Hayden and Tot: THE ULTIMATE Interview

Yes, they had a playdate today, President’s Day, and to celebrate Tatum would interview him on her new recorder.


                                             Interview with Hayden 

First question : when you wake up on Saturdays what is the first thing you do?

Hayden’s answer 

Second question:  If you like to read then what is your favorite book? If you don’t like to read what is your favorite video game? And if you like both what is your favorite book and what is your favorite video game?

Hayden’s answer

Hayden asks me a question 

I answer

Third question: Do you like to use your imagination to play? (If he says yes, great. If he says no ask what is your favorite Bible story?) 

Hayden’s answer 

(For the third question if Hayden says yes to the imagination to play.  Ask about the Bible story.) ( if he said no, ask about his favorite food) 

Hayden’s answer 

True or false: I am an only child. (False, I have a big brother who is 26 years old)   

True or false: my favorite sport is basketball. (True, I love to play with my dad and my best friends) 

True or false: I do not have a favorite food? ( True, I really like all food.) 

True or false: I have a pet who is named Amarillo and a  pet who is named Cooper (True, Amarillo is my pet bird, and Cooper is my pet dog)

True or false: my favorite thing in the whole entire world is to read. (True, I have about 1,000 books.) 

True or false: my favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day.(false, my favorite holiday is Christmas because Jesus was born on that day.) 

Truth or trivia : (if it’s false, it’ll be trivia. If it’s true, it’ll be truth. )

Truth or trivia : Dutch hounds originated from Germany. (Truth, yes, the Dutch hounds originated from Germany) 

Truth or trivia : my pet dog Cooper is a bichon. (Trivia my pet dog Cooper is a Coton) 

If you were to write a letter about our friendship, what would you write about?

To grow our friendship, what would you like to do?

What’s your favorite stuffy if you have one?

Who’s your favorite character from Star Wars?

(Now Hayden, you can ask me a question if you wish, about whatever topic you would like to.)

Do you remember anything about kindergarten when we first became friends? 

What are your pets names  again and are they male or female?

What is your favorite movie?

Have you ever been interviewed before?

Who’s your best friend in the whole entire world?

(You can ask me a question now Hayden if you wish or I can keep asking you questions)

Are you enjoying this interview so far?

Have you ever been in a play before?

What were the gifts that you got for Christmas?


WE LOVE LOVE in the HAY home

My honey had this all set up for dinner time.
I had this set up. TACOs for my spicy family.

Daddy surprised us with so many goodies!

BIG hugs; TRUMP-sized!

And then me? Gosh honey.

And then…the big SURPISE!! This jumble of joy will add to her stuffy love.

Tatum got me the perfect gift. Yes, “the side” dishes. I’m a “side” gal.

And my honey gave me a reminder of how much he loves me every time I am at my work seated. LOVE. LOVE!

Now, I had to get Tatum this. I’s soooo old school, but she wanted to record things, and so a walkman/recorder!

We always celebrate love in the HAY love nest. But today was extra lovey.

The mommy and the daddy accomplish things too: NASA, School Boards, and Melons?

Go Daddy! No, not the company; the DOUGIE!
Yep, my rocket man got recognized for his efforts with NASA. WOW, so proud of him.

He just gets better with age. XO

I just got another article published at GCU about School Boards. Not super exciting, but hey, or HAY, I still finished it and they liked it. That’s a bonus.

And then there’s my art bug. Yep, the is my happy place; when I’m drawing. (Well, since I can’t have many fun foods anymore, and I feel kind of yucky sometimes). Drawing it my outlet.

I have been working on this, and now I finished. Here it is!

And framed. …. It will go on our art wall.

What will I draw next?

The Hays still got it! AMEN.

The ups and downs but the everlasting Jesus in our HAY-VEN

Can you believe Tatum is still home sick? Man…the past few weeks have been brutal.

The one good thing that has come of this is our working together in school.

We love doing math together.

Our art/play room is turning into our Homeschool “HAY”ven, and it’s making….

Our little moments become big memories.

She also is redecorating! Her desk is first. Of course, she needs to make it fun and a party!

We are working so hard that she’s pooped out at night with the little Coopy.