My honey. He plans…percolates…perseverates…ponders…until he gets it all set up in his mind. Such is this year.

He had us come out to the sidewalk and await the unveiling of BEAUTY. Wonder. LIGHT!

Let’s scoot on in.

The story of the little red truck and how it just had to be part of our display. Not only this antique vintage one, but the lil bitty ones on the tree. Gosh. Isn’t it just the sweetest evah!?

He thought of everything. OH..wait. The reason for the season. Not the truck. HA!
Jesus? Are you there? Are you anywhere around? Yes, honey, next weekend.
Stay tuned, folks.
In the meantime, inside, we get ready.

Thank you, Baby, for doing all you do to make our Christmas deLIGHTful! XXOO