Our small group…they are a blessing times 10! Doug and I have been blessed with four couples who truly have enriched our lives.
Alex and Von:

Julie and Matt

Giselle and Doug

Hilary and Brian

And then there’s my honey. Isn’t he the sweetest?


Taties!! MY sweetie pie, I ADORE YOU.

Yes, we had a PAJAMA party! Truly a joy of pot luck (I made a ham and sourdough), and some fun conversation around our dining room table.
Each shared what they wanted for the new year, and each was so heartfelt. We are all going through much transition. Tatum joined us for the dinner, and after a few of the girls shared some heartfelt needs, Tatum went over to hug. COMPASSION> This has developed I believe because she has watched me suffer (fruit!). OH, and she shared this:
For 2024, I want my mommy to get better. MELT> She didn’t think of herself. I started crying in gratitude and a bit of guilt…I don’t want this for her! BUT….Stay tuned for the hope I have.
The next day, I sent this to the girls.
Good morning ladies! (WARNING: THIS IS LONG! ) The evening was such a blessing and I wanted to reach out to EACH of you and share some gratitude. You all shared your heart with some mighty challenges and changes for 2024 and know that I wrote each down and will be praying!!! First, Giselle…I loved your outfit!! The potatoes were a dream and ALL loved them. Your mom is in HIS hands and I will continue to pray for her to be a HEALTHY woman!! . Julie, thank you for the granola, card and just your beautiful presence. LOVE the salad! (I loved the dressing…hehehe) OH, the joy of seeing your boys move on, but it’s hard!! I know how much you love them. And your friends who struggle with health; I know you’ll be a sound/strong support for them!. HIlary, so GRATEFUL to have the beautiful you! Thank you for bringing the broccoli too! And your sweatshirt :0) You are entering a new phase, and it will be exciting! I will be praying for smooth transitions and new adventures for you. And lovely Alex…beautiful lady :0) LOVE your heart. Matteus is going to SHINE, and you’ve done an AMAZING job as mom. Rest in that. New adventures for him and YOU!! I know the wine was a hit (and the cakes.. OK, THANK YOU all ladies. I adore each of you. We WILL WILL WILL have coffee soon..maybe next Saturday? XXOO BLESS YOUR DAY!!!
We will be praying specifically.
Oh, and Coopy? He went berserk in his house until……..
He got to be on his happy place under the…

The joys of friends, kids, and our pets. I love you all so much.