Tatum still has the biggest heart on the inside, but on the outside? It’s been changing this week!!
Why? Well, first, her school has SPIRIT week. She was to dress up as a character, and she chose the famous RIO! Yep, folks, her little birdie.
We headed to Michael’s for supplies, and with her creative brain, Daddy’s glue gun and fabric drawing skills, she had a masterpiece of bird look.

Wings and all. Now go fly to school, little one!

Then there was WESTERN Day. Heeeeeeehaw!

Finally, DECADE DAY! WE have a love for the 70’s ONLY because of the jeans and flowers. It’s all about the flarey jeans and those cute sunflowers. PEACE DUDE.
Ok, now, let’s talk about Halloween. Most kids: A witch, a cat, a dog, a dragon, a princess…ya know, the usual kid costumes. Tot? She’s a history buff, and she really wanted to delve into pioneer times. Enter: Laura Ingalls.

Whatcha think Mama? Ain’t she PERTY?

I think so!

Daddy, Pa’d up and took her around. He’s such a great protector. XXOO

At least no one would DARE steal her candy! HA!
Tot, I love your many looks; I especially like when we match for church with your new do… You are precious in our sight, love bug.