The Importance of Reflection and WHY I MUST WRITE!

It’s like an itch that I have to scratch…..and it lingers inside of me all day long….waiting…waiting…waiting to be fulfilled. WRITE, Steph, Write!?
Why do I do this? It helps me process my thoughts, allows me to remember the details, and memorializes a process of my thinking or doing. It’s a MUST, yet it gets pushed to the wayside so often because…well, life gets in the way.

And sadly, for almost 4 years, my life has been used up by dealing with my G.U.T…and I AM SO DONE!

But let’s take a look at the power of reflection: In education, they call it “building background knowledge..or activating it.” Why? We do this to prompt our memories to inspire our nows and plans. It gives us the ability to take the knowledges or wisdom we acquired and USE IT to aid in what we are experiencing now and the of course add to it!

The beauty of this summer, however, has been an opportunity to reflect. Tatum started it, you see, by pulling out the blog books from her babyhood and on. We started from DAY 1. Gosh, I forgot so very much, and it’s been hard to see my old self as I mourn the energy and silliness I had in me. HOWEVER, God has given me perspective on how the fruit on Tatum’s tree has blossomed (not in spite of but BECAUSE of being down for a while). Also, I see how I was BEFORE Doug and now WITH Doug. I’m so much better and stronger and even more grateful than ever.

Having these books, and keeping such detailed memories has allowed me to see the process of sanctification AND for Tatum to see each and every day how much she is truly loved. We will read, “I will never let a day go by where I don’t tell her she is a GIFT and a BLESSING.” Well, fast forward 10 years, and guess what? I have kept my promise. I continue to fight the GREAT fight of parenting with an INTENSE amount of love and dedication to discipling her.

Thank you, Father, for the GIFT of being able to love on Tatum, Doug, and now, myself as I heal and grow into my best self.


Paradigm shift of perspective: What can I have vs. what can I not have!?

Tatum and I have so much in common. Sadly, I never wanted her to have my microbiome! I finally ordered a stool test for her, and sure enough, she has an overgrowth of candida and way too much negative bacteria. So… wonder she feels nauseous daily, lacks any hunger, and often has loose or hard stools. NEVER did I wish this upon her!

Well, she has had to give up gluten and dairy, and with that comes much woe’ing! Oh, woe is me and woe is this and woe is that. Woe Woe Woe to the no no no of almost her whole diet!
Enter ME! Yes, this is my specialty: Take something perhaps unhealthy or “not allowed” and turn it into a masterpiece of deliciousness!

So, daily, we would have ice cream or some cookie, but NOT NOW, she would WOE. Tot, let’s make lemonade out of lemons and make something ok?

Avocado cookies. Wait….WHHHHUUUUUUUUUUT? Yep, they have all delicious ingredients in one morsel of cookieness.

  1. Avocado
  2. egg
  3. cocoa powder
  4. dark chocolate chunks
  5. coconut sugar ( I substituted allulose ….supposedly a new alternative to stevia which doesn’t affect the microbiome)
  6. baking soda.


How do they taste? The batter was way toooooo tasty, so???

They taste even better with coffee. Yes, I give her a bit everyday for fun (foamy coconut/almond milk on top)


Such is life and lessons: Let’s focus on the GOOD; on the YES’s; on the I CAN’s. (and not on the missing tiles) AMEN, SISTER!
We are going to CONQUER these gut issues, girl. I LOVE YOU!

In the meantime, Dr. Ruiz has a P.O.A (plan of attack)

Summer Not a Bummer test four!

She’s doing better every week, and what else? IT’S FUN!
And thanks to my sister – in- law, Dolly, Tot is receiving a plethora of book ideas for reading. XO

And her timed Division!! Getting better DAILY!
She’s so ready for 5th grade. XO

Adoring each other: Summer, not a bummer, fun DAILY!

The fun of summer! Each year, it just gets better; I have to admit, she kinda is becoming more of a buddy, but OF COURSE, she’s still my daughter who I will disciple and parent. YES!
But, in the meantime, she and I share everything (and this can be unfortunate because she sees EVERYTHING with me…the suffering included).

This morning, I wanted to surprise her with a little note of love.

It’s so fun to surprise her! Of course, Daddy got in on the fun!

Well, the fun only just began, because when I got home from the gym and the store, this awaited me in the garage door: (I LOVE YOU TO PECIOUS!)…pieces?)

Then she captured me as I walked in, blindfolded me, and took me in the kitchen.

Oh, Woody helped me!

And then in the art room before school, she showed me the secret prize!

I was OVERWHELMED with joy. Then, she made her brekkie of French toast, and also she helped me make dinner for our family.

And what topped it all off? A golf game and GLOW PUTT!

GIRLS! We love each other so very much. She is my total package.

Happy Fourth! We love our country!

First stop: MOM!
Tatum made her a sweet pic, and we brought her a flag.

Of course, she brought Woody to cheer up mom.

Later that day, Daddy joined us in the pool, and then we did our 4th of July Seder tradition.

First, we discussed the importance of the day and why we celebrate. Freedom from the tyranny of King George, the Pilgrims came here as early as 1620. Then over a century later, others joined and started this country on an IDEA!

We celebrated the fact that the tea was tossed in the Boston Harbor (rebellion against unfair taxes) with some lemonade.

We sign the Declaration of Independence, and then we sing God Bless America.


Land that I love with the family whom I love.

Why I blog: Remembering is part of living

As we all know, since Tatum was a wee one, we have read out loud for at least 30 minutes per night. Not much has changed now that she is almost ahem…$%&$ ELEVEN! Egads.

Well, we decided to pull out the blog books from the beginning to read nightly…like novels!

Wow. I have so much more “writing” in each book which I so appreciate. We are having a blast remembering. We just published the 21st book. (swallowing hard)

Reviewing these memories together, she can see that from (before even) DAY 1, she has been A.D.O.R.E.D. I had made a promise that every single day she’d be reminded how truly loved she is. I have never let that go! Daily, she is reminded she is a GIFT. A BLESSING.

When you turn 18, Tot, you’ll receive the whole 36 book set. It’s going too fast!

I will say that one thing that we have seen is that she has had digestive issues since day one. Just like her mommy. (again, swallowing hard.) I never wished this upon her, and now we share this malady. Oh, dear Jesus, that you would heal us both of this.

I love you dear Tatum; I’m so grateful that I decided to leave full time teaching so I could walk alongside you in this life.

I’ll always have your back, dearest one.

We are good together, kiddo!