Prayer cards: consistency and trust

Every morning since 2019, I have prayed over my family with specificity.

Each morning, I pray to surrender, to love, and to trust MORE. Does it ever end? NO WAY! Why? Because HIS LOVE is never-ending. Just this morning, I claimed:

Trust is built in time. I am not letting go.

It’s in the daily bits: EACH and EVERY DAY JOYS

So often, we look for ways to find mountain top experiences. Case in point: Let’s plan a trip to XYZ, or let’s go to this fancy schmancy restaurant, or let’s have a party over at our house. Gosh, it’s the way our minds work, well, I should say our adrenalin needs a boost…a rush!
But, I would argue, based on my experience with Tatum over these 10 years, that it’s in the daily bits of this and that the builds joy; that builds quality; that builds a RELATIONSHIP.

Daily, especially in the summer, I try to find some activities for Tatum and I to do. Fortunately/unfortunately, they don’t always come through because of our health being compromised or some type of hiccup like a call from mom for an emergency need. (this happens almost daily)

What I am finding is that relationship is really spelled: T.I.M.E. (not F.U.N). Now, I’m not saying you don’t want to find fun in the day. Heck, our goal is to find the fun in the not fun, right? BUT, I am saying that the guilt I feel for not making everything a “10” activity cannot be warranted.

This summer has been an amazing adventure albeit not a “10” in excitement. I think, as Dennis Prager says, you should aim for 5-7’s. Gosh, if we tried for 10’s each day, we’d live a life of letdowns. So, we start with some school, and we make it so fun! Our NEW BOOK is starting (each summer we write a book since 2019). On our 5th one this year!

See us planning it out? ( Piggy and Puppy continued, but now with NEW CHARACTERS!!!)

Tatum is learning about nutrition as now she is making smoothies! We make sure she gets in: Protein, veggies, fats, and fruits (and whipped cream of course) Example: Almond milk, spinach, frozen banana, frozen avocado, flax seeds, blueberries, strawberries, and protein powder) DELISH!)

The days might not have beaches, mountains, or bouncy houses, but they do have daily bits of together. Together reading; together watching; together talking; together driving; together errands; together. It’s in the daily bits, and I couldn’t want anything more. (except to feel like a 10 erghhhh. In time…I have faith).

Being Grateful for our blog books

We are using a new company: Maarten (they are in Europe somewhere) has made these books possible.. I emailed him this:

He responded:

Going back and reading these has inspired me to keep going, documenting, and writing as much as possible! XXOO

Accomplishments in our day: Reports/Reading, SBC meets, Bracelets

I love it when we accomplish activities through our day which are meaningful but also enjoyable.

Case in point:
Wednesday, July 12th.

Tot and I had our school time, and she finished her summer assignment: A newspaper article on James and the Giant Peach

Tatum and I then went to SBC to meet with the Special Needs Pastor to get a feel for volunteering with our special needs friends. Tatum is INTO IT, and so we will begin in August to help in that room. SO exciting!
While there, she wanted to buy a few devotionals, so I got her this book from Bob Goff. Love Does was a bestseller a few years back about how to be the hands and feet of JESUS to others…actions over words.

When we got home, she ventured off to sell some bracelets, sold three, and made a new friend, 6-year old Cosette.

Could it get better? YES!
Every day around 1:30, Tatum and I have a quiet read together. She peruses my library for a new book, and she came upon Dallas Willard’s Divine Conspiracy. Sheesh. A very mature book! (I don’t think this will last long with this monstrous, theological treasure!) OK, Tot! She honestly just loves to read adult books.

The rest of the day was filled with resting, swimming and then a great Hay dinner with my HHH. Beautiful.

Bowled over at Bowlero!

Family night! Yes, we thought we’d make a night of it at the good ol’ bowling alley, but first, Tatum wanted to get her stimulation overload over with.

Driving, cup throws, and Ninja fighting. Oh the joy!

Finally HHH showed up and we got our bowl on!

LET’S go make some HAY!!!

WE got “squirreled” by seeing there was a Photo Booth!
Hay silliness.

Ok…well, which one you like?
Back to finish our game.

Who won??? HHH!!!
Tot, you did great.

I love you HAY family!

Tot and Daddy’s LOVE DAY! July 9: four years!

Four years ago today, Daddy adopted Tot as her FOREVER Daddy!
We celebrated today.

Tatum loves to draw for him.

Daddy couldn’t wait to give her his present!
First, of all, the biggest gift to each other is the PRESENCE of him in her life. They are adorable together as they play, gelling their relationship.

Basketball! What a way to play!
It’s coming, Tot! Stay tuned.