Doug brought this to me the other morning. It came right out of our beautiful front garden.
Side note, these beauties surround our fountain as well.

Aaaahhhhh, flowers. They communicate to us:
“I am a beautiful diversely colorful creation from God’s omnipotent mind!”
Each flower is totally different; they are so fragile; so delicate. They come and go… die so fast. But when they are alive, OH BOY are they glorious!
Well, such is life. Each day is truly a gift. However, each day is fragile; delicate. It has moments of highly colorful, brilliant moments. Then, yes, they do die, but do we remember that storms bring more flowers? They literally plant a garden.
OH, and the thorns? You know those intense stings we get when we grab a stem? We hold so tightly to our lives and reluctantly release our grip to give it to God. Well, guess what happens when we grip so tightly? We bleed! And do realize you never grab the beautiful parts..the petals! NOPE! Such as we never grab the beautiful moments of our lives with gratitude. Gosh, we hold so tightly and try to CONTROL those thorny stems. OUCH! BUT, if we trim those thorns or we allow him to trim and prune us, guess what happens? The flowers are much more abundant and the color! Oh the field of colors!

So, relish the flowers in your life. And more importantly relish the process of being pruned because the result is a garden of colorful creations and more blessings.