Gettin all perty!

Oh, the joy of a haircut! Well, Tot would say, “A TRIM!” We don’t want to cut it, right? We are growing it.

The lolly makes it even cuter. She wants to grow it LOOOOOONG. Brandy said her hair is like a rose bush. The more you trim it the more beautiful the roses will grow and bloom, so trim trim trim!

My hair has been a bummer lately. A bunch of it has torn in the front, so she “kinda” made it into bangs. It’s much more fun now!

Ugh…I need more work on mine. Tot, you rock!

On our way to school: Family Life Radio!

Every night, Tatum listens to the radio as she falls asleep. She says she “NEEDS” it. Well, since it’s Family Life Radio, I don’t make a stink about it. They are listener supported, and today, on our way to school, Tatum said she wanted to start donating $5 a month to them. That is 10% of her allowance, so I didn’t bat an eye. I even said I’d match it since they do so much for our family in terms of providing quality music and radio.

So…… I said, let’s call in! She dialed and boom, they answered.

She started to talk to the man, and she said she wanted to give. He was so kind and asked how he could pray for us. He prayed for us right there! It was awesome.

I love her heart! It will be a monthly reminder of our gratitude.

New drawing for Tatum’s wall!

I drew her a quail! I started it a few years ago, and finally went back to it. It’s no secret that I adore quails because of how much they love their family! The DADDY quail is always keeping his eyes on his young ones. (Just like our FATHER keeps His eye on us!)

This was fun to work on!
almost done…

I got it framed and put it on her wall amidst my other drawings.

Now, what will I embark upon next?

Happy Spiritual Birthday!

03/21/21 Tot got baptized!
So what do you think I got her for this? She has been begging me for this although she has 4 Bibles. She wanted a sparkly one!

Let’s read it together!

Cheering me up

The Tot. The Daddy. They both have such perfect touches. Tatum knew I wasn’t feeling well, and well…to be blunt, feeling very discouraged. Doug and Tatum always have hugs for me, but Tot boosted the level to a sweet drawing.

She saw ME!

And she chose me as much as I chose her.
