New Beginnings

How often do we say, “This is a new start!” I find I say it often, or at least I mean to make new starts when I say it. Unfortunately, change doesn’t happen overnight; habits can be hard to break. They require a discipline that may be more than we can handle at the moment. But God has a different timeline than we do, and when we ask for change (or for help in an area for us or another), He answers this, but NOT in our time-frame-wish.

Case in point…all of us! I have on my prayer cards specific requests that I have poured out my heart about. None of them have occurred in the way I have expected. HA! Is not that so GOD? His ways are not my ways (thank goodness).

I’ll go through each one of us. See how wonderful God’s ways are working.


Now, my wonderful HHH has grown immensely this last year. He is now reading almost nightly! Also, he has formed some amazing men relationships that truly sharpen each other; as a leader of a small men’s group, he is looked upon with so much respect. At Honeywell, he is esteemed and appreciated. So proud of him. With Tot? Their relationship continues to grow in leaps and bounds. (as does ours)


My little Tot. Not so little anymore! She has taken on so much more responsibility with now having little Woody. Also, I have her keeping a wallet and purse so SHE is in charge of her own money, budget, and therefore discretion in her choices. Her character continues to shine as she exhibits the fruits of the Spirit at school and now at home; (She got straight “E’s” on her report card for character!). At home, we created a “winning report card” for her to make some more allowance as well as to encourage good choices. Watching her grow in her writing, her creativity, and her passion for others is inspirational. Just recently she was an ambassador to a new student; that student feels so welcomed and loved at PVCP thanks to Tatum. I love you so much sweet girl. Keep shining your light.


If you would have told me 3 years ago that Austin would be attending GCU, I would have laughed and then woken up! You see, Austin had a rough few years; first dropping out of HS right before he graduated, then making a few wrong choices with substances, living conditions, jobs…you name it. But…the past 2 years, he’s been really turning it around. First, he is working for a landscape company manning a crew and leading that daily. He works so hard! However, he knows he’s in a dead end situation. I found out about a program at GCU where they put you through an Electrician training program for 16 weeks, and then basically guarantee you a job upon graduation. I got him into it, but he would need to complete his GED. NOW, we are in the process of making all of that happen. He had his first day of class on January 5th!!! WOWOWOWOW! So proud of him! You can do it, AUSTIN!

Now me: (Steph)

Where do I start? It’s been a year of getting rid of some old habits (which I thought were good things) plus finding out much information about my digestion. What a journey. I basically have relapsed 7 times with this SIBO situation plus now add on the pelvic floor proplapse where my small intestines have fallen into where my uterus used to be. My weight plummeted this year which created a domino effect of all sorts of nasty symptoms. Ugh. I’ve put my family through so much.

BUT, I have been forced to make some tough choices, forming new habits.

Breath work

Increased down time: Prayer, meditation, yoga, journaling

Diet changes: meal spacing, removal of fake foods, REAL eating, LOTS of cooking! Pureed food/soup habit!

Friends: Newfound friendships which go deep and are so supportive

Family: EVERYTHING! (besides YOU, JESUS.)

For me, it has been a gradual slowing down but a quick jump onto feeling better as I do the right things (for my body). My appreciation and gratitude quotients have quadrupled. God takes all the yucky and makes it into a beautiful mosaic.

New beginnings are new opportunities to see things from a different perspective. May we continue on our learning path of love, joy and peace. XO.

Our new MOM and ME journal

Oh sweet girl; I love spending time with you. It’s time to ring in a new journal together.

Of course, let’s enjoy some tea with it.

What was the question today?

You bring me joy!

Ok, now time for a silly song.

Oh, little Butternut, Butternut!

Till next time.

Reflecting on 2022

Dear 2022,

A humbling, difficult, yet serendipitous year, and as much as I want to say goodbye, I also want to thank you. Growth of the HAY clan and gut health challenges/opportunities for change were two areas that definitely occurred unexpectedly. Let’s look at a bulletized (my favorite way to summarize) list and a gallery of pictures.


  • Tatum and I began a QT
  • Open hearted prayer
  • Gratitude box
  • Tot’s Bday party
  • Karate try?
  • Montana trip
  • Gratitude Journal NIGHTLY
  • Praxis each month: $500 each time!


  • Toby Mac
  • Cleveland: Dr. Nemeh
  • Tatum’s first steps in the AM: I am a child of God.. WHO YOU ARE!


  • Bike rides around the lake
  • Daddy’s wonderful A-Z love note to me
  • Mama coming over for BDAY and other
  • Tatum singing at SBC
  • Tempe Town Lake
  • Began Project Peace
  • Steph’s article was published


  • Making money with lemonade and touching lives
  • Swimming with ZOE


  • Daddy working in OUTDOOR kitchen: BBQ weekly
  • Flowers for me and always blooming
  • Stay-at home dates with Daddy
  • Sugar Bowl celebrating Tatum’s grades.
  • The Grand Canyon


  • Top Gun!
  • Tot’s Building and architecture
  • Snowball
  • Greeting at Church..matching
  • Getting published in PRINCIPAL
  • Our Princess trip!
  • Food Bank with Tatum
  • Steph’s 2nd article was published
  • Daddy got paid $4100 in OT!


  • Snowbell
  • Sedona and Helicoptering
  • Tough times
  • Hair fun: BRAIDS
  • Mom and Me to OHIO: Nemeh
  • Daddy and Tot bonding: swimming, grilling steaks
  • Me speaking at GCU conference EdKey
  • Tot and me book: Bite and Chews
  • Barbie Dreamhouse


  • Art in the Artroom
  • Breads for daddy
  • Starting Motegrity and Morstein
  • BRADY!
  • Tatum’s Stories
  • Tatum is a natural nurturer
  • OUR NEW small group success!


  • Do Over Sedona trip
  • Lots of Noah
  • Lots of TUMMY issues
  • Pokeman craze
    Strat each day with GRATITUDE
  • Dinners with Maurice and MEN
  • My POWERFUL PEN YouTube Podcast GCU


  • Bye Coti: WE LOVE YOU
  • Making sourdough bread
  • Crossfit with Noah
  • Loving on the GIGI house.
  • Foster care help.
  • Mama spending the night and Tatum caring for her
  • GRATE-FALL party
  • Barbie girl
  • GI appt with Jennifer: More tests
  • Tatum writing a PLETHORA of stories!


  • Tea Parties with Tot
  • TG walks
  • New Basketball!
  • Making Smores with HAYS
  • Puppet shows
  • Dr. Patel for me
  • Daddy got a raise!
  • Our STAYCATION: Tot out of school for 4 days


  • Being an Entrepreneur: Setting up the dining room
  • Tatum making the finals for a SOLO (school) and PSALM 16
  • American Heritage
  • WOODY!!!
  • Tatum and Woody bonding
  • Cool walks
  • SMIL and answers
  • Puzzles