Swapping snowman LOVE with TOT

One morning, I had to run into Einstein’s to grab my coffee. Yes, “had to.” HEEHEE. (Some of us need to stay regular..wink wink)

When I returned to Brady and my warm seat (thank you seat warmers), this adorned my driver’s seat…

Then, she wrote me a little cinquain.

So, guess what I did (at a stop of course)….

The love. Smile.

Tatum sings at SBC for Christmas!

7:45 call time. First, let’s open the chocolate (that’s usually first! )

Up on the risers, she’s ready to rock’n’roll!

Joy to the World

Almost Home

We are so proud of your poise and smile!

Yes, the joy of the Lord is my strength!

Thank you, SBC. Thank you JESUS! WE love you.

Ten years old means a new…… WOODROW! Our new feathered friend

When I was ten, my mom surprised me with a new yellow parakeet. I named him Woodrow (Woody). He was my best little friend for about five years in my adolescence.

Fast forward &%^$AHEM years to Tot being 10. She’s been BEGGING for a bird. Well, after a few months of studying, learning, shopping and waiting, we bit the bullet; took the plunge; swallowed the pill etc and BOUGHT ONE! We found a great little store called Birds and then Some. They only have a few hand-fed parakeets at a time and they go FAST. So this Saturday, we had to jump on board! This little guy stole our hearts. He instantly bonded with Tatum and me.

Upon purchasing the cage, a few toys, some millet, and seeds, he was OURS! Little Woodrow.

Homeward bound!

When we got home…Oh yes, Coopy! Meet your new brother.

He’s very curious! Wagging his tail profusely, Coopy was truly excited! (He forgets he’s much bigger than Woody, so we have to teach him “GENTLE!”

Now, we are teaching him to ride around on our shoulder. Eventually, to fly to us, as well as talking!

Remarkably, he already trusts Tatum and me. Not skittish in any way! We are so blessed with our new feathered-Christmas present.

We love you!

He sure is happy here> He even joins our Hay Happens meetings perched on Daddy’s light.

Maximizing the FUN and WORK while home (sick) from school

We always start with our devotion and now THREE advent calendars. One is edible, so of course that is the favorite. (even when the stomach flu is present)

And the sick day…

Since she was home this morning, Tatum decided to make a cottage under the piano so she could get her work completed with more focus and fun.

Mommy, will you help me with my math? My back responds NO, but my heart screams YES!

Math is always more fun when completed beneath a musical instrument.

Later, she felt better to go to Bookman’s, and we earned $51 in credits! We bought a few A/R books, and she purchased these two little guys.

This flu held on for a few days, and even Coopy felt it. He just wanted to snuggle as I read to Tot tonight.

Tatum read her two new kids a bedtime story. Well, Charlottte’s Web to be exact.

Hopefully she’ll good as new tomorrow!

Saturday and Sunday drizzle yet decorating sizzled!

It was a dark and stormy weekend…..

This is the usual BEAUTIFUL sky in the morning: (SO COLORFUL and MAJESTIC)

Well, it was NOT dark/stormy in the Hay house, but more like glorious! Unfortunately, I was a bit under the weather (no pun intended), but Tot and Daddy worked hard on decorations.

Tatum first worked on her bedroom

She’s still working on it.

Now her tree, Piney, ..she was obsessed with the nearby nativity scene. (she is still decorating)

The hot cocoa and candy canes made her dance around as Daddy erected this BIG BOY!

The next morning, we had to miss church since I was still feeling dark and stormy. (SAD), but after we watched church…oh this is Coopy on his new bed as we worshipped… We are wearing him out!

Ok, So Tatum gets creative with the boxes. She opened up a little shop and had us buy merch.. (jewelry first)

Daddy bought some surprises for the wifey..

Then she took a break as we worked on our goals for the week. I rewarded her efforts from school with these new specs. We like!

Now she’s ready to sell some more goods. Wow, what will I buy!? She has a plethora of choices. Hope she takes credit cards.

Later, after Hay Happens, she sang some beautiful songs about Jesus coming as a baby and giving us hope for all of us with the forgiveness He brings.

The joy of the season. Her singing… Daddy’s many lights and decor, and the little Coopy playing. Blessed.