Christmas Joy: FAMILY

We started out the morning with a prayer and a nice walk. Thank you Jesus! You are here!

All was quiet in the foyer and living room. Very nice for the morning.

And then, it all began…. did a little elf eat Santa’s cookies? HMMMMM….

Around the country it is below freezing, but here? It’s going to be in the 70’s today. However, I still dressed as if it was freezing! heh..

We stopped at Circle K for our favorite coffee, and then headed home to get ready for Austin and Mama. I have a lovely breakfast planned as well as a little surprise for Tot.

My sweet potato crusted quiche (with sausage and leeks)

And reindeer pancakes! It’s a yummy tradition.

Before breakfast, Tatum gets to open a stocking gift.

I couldn’t wait to give this to her: An electronic bookmark that keeps track of your reading minutes.

Mama is here! The tree has exploded. When Austin arrives, it will be even bigger!

I think we are ready to eat now!

Yay! Austin is here, and YES, the tree has doubled in size.

So goooood to see him!

Now we are ready for presents. Also we finished our Advent Blocks today, and tonight we’ll read the final entry.

Tatum wanted to spoil Cooper and Woody. They are so excited to get presents!

And Woody even got more gifts from Austin..little edible treats; how kind of him to think of Woody.

Mama, we love you. We gave her some slippers and a new planner. More to come, Mama!

My HHH…he spoiled me! A basketball, a net (he will build!..this is so very exciting to me!!!), and some sleep buds for my beauty sleep. I’ll take al l I can get.

I made him a 3 part present:

I love you so much honey…so much.

Tot got slippers for Daddy too!

Honey, your feet are so happy!

Oh, and Austin! He spoiled all of us. For me? He got a pan and food processor. The way to my heart is through cooking tools!

And Tatum? You spoiled me too! I think she secretly wanted this set. (we will share it my love)

Taties, you love Lego Friends and warm blankies.

Austin, your Daddy got you so many gifts, and I hope to have added to the joy. A key finder! (well, it apparently finds many lost items with a simple remote you use to find the marked item)

Later on, we just relaxed and did puzzles. Daddy made delightful ham for dinner. YUUUUMMM.

It was by far the best Christmas because we were all together. Austin felt at home, and Mama was so happy. That makes me shine!

Even Coopy was satisfied and content.

I love you, Hays, Mama and Austin! NOEL! New Beginnings.

Christmas EVE! Our Savior is born tomorrow

The day would be so relaxing. We had gone to church the evening before, so it was nice to just have the day to wrap presents, do puzzles, and watch some Superbook!

Oh, and make Woody a new playroom; he LOVES it! Especially the swing and his mirror. (who is that in the mirror, Woody?)

Woody also enjoys puzzles.

Later on, Mama came over for turkey dinner. Boy is it fun to make food for my family.

Dinner is set, and we spent the time reading the devotion and remembering Christmas’ past.

What a calm, lovely dinner. What did you think, Woody?

He is happy with all of us around. What joy he brings to our family with the Coopyhead of course.

Finally, we had to read Twas the Night Before Christmas before bed. Tatum’s little Golden Book is a mini version of my own from when I was a kiddo. (we read in tandem)

She tried to stay awake for Santa to eat his cookies, but alas…. she fell asleep with the little guy. *melt*

Christmas ADAM! (going to church the night before the Eve)

Tot and I got there early to save seats! We had to save seats for our friends, Julie and Matt and their family.

These are some HOLY seats! They are now blessed.

The singing was life-giving, and the message from Rustin was perfect. The promise of the NEW BIRTH (NOEL) is for every day with us! We can continue to renew and refresh with knowing our Savior HAS come, HAS forgiven us, and HAS adopted us!

My family; makes me smile from ear to ear.

But this is the best:

The little cutie. Christmas EVE is tomorrow!

Fifth time is a charm! Gingerbread Housing once again

Trader Joe’s. We have a real relationship with them; I mean, we only go there at least twice a week; for sure on Saturday am to say Hello to all our friends. Ok, and to buy our usuals, but the people we know for so long there makes it even better.
Last year, we bought their annual Gingerbread House kit, and it never got made! We started doing this in 2016, and we have been continuing this tradition for six years now. But, last year…what did we do? Well, let’s go back to 2016.

Oh, the Tot…she wanted to eat some of it and was a bit sad that it was not for our consumption but for the beauty of the little cookie village! All I know is I didn’t do the “frosting” right. There is an art to whipping the egg whites, adding the lemon juice and then slowly adding the sugar; this gets it that sticky gluey consistency.

And on to 2017…I. know I know! She’s wearing the SAME shirt! This time, we got the doggie cookie up high. (he didn’t make it in 2016. Mystery….hmmm….)

2018. It’s getting a bit better. Well, you be the judge.

All characters present (thank you Tot)….but that darn frosting/gluey stuff. ERGGGH. Can I get it right!?

In 2019, we are MAYEWEEEEEED (as they say in Princess Bride) to the HHH, and so hopefully we have this down by now.

The frosting was a bit sparse. … Just not quite right. But we have the doggie and family.

2020. (in our home!) Oh, the little cutie pie.; This year…our little pilferer: I found out LATER, our house got sparser as the days progressed. Why, you ask?? A little elf came and partook of the characters in the middle of the night. I wondered what had happened to the little doggie and family!?

So, as noted before, we had bought the kit in 2021, but didn’t do it as I had a grand plan this year! Our very own gingerbread contest!

Festive, frolicky, and fun! But, alas, I still had a fight with the frosting. Let’s now see what has become of 2022.

The kit sat in our kitchen cabinet for ONE year! Would it still be usable? Stale? Moldy? What!?
The grand unveiling…..AAHHHH! All characters, candy…IN TACT. No, no sampling (yet).

Maybe the year was good for it OR..maybe it was because I had another set of hands for the mixer this year. She could whip the egg withes while I poured in the confectioner’s sugar.

This year, we had our little companions helping: Coopy patiently waiting for a crumb or sugar granule to adorn the floor; Woody climbing the ladder and swinging joyfully.

The frosting is turning out? Maybe? Oh, my…it’s perfect this year! Woody, are you the secret? It’s all of us! We are all making this work.

And ….as she puts the final touches on (asking for just ONE gummy?)

And tada!!

I think it looks the best this year!

Teamwork is dreamwork!
Tatum added the candy cane. I love you, Tot! We have so much fun doing this. May we continue the tradition.

Christmas fun! Stockings, Decorating, and Singing at PVCP

OH, I couldn’t wait!!! You see, I had the same stocking my whole life. My grandma Mimi, made us all stockings which were just adorable and handmade. Doug had his own stockings he used with Austin. It was TIME for our own HAY tradition.


SURPRISE! Austin, yes you are a part of it all, my dear son and Tot’s brother.

You like?

Ok, now, we need ornaments as tradition. …SURPRISE

Tatum’s 2022, Coopy, and NOW WOODROW!

Oh, we are ready now!…well almost.

She had to decorate Woody’s house.

Oh, and…..she had to finish at PVCP for the Christmas season. They sing “Come on ring those bells” for us.

Are you excited little COOPY!?

I know I am!

Woody’s connecting with ALL of us

Domino’s used to be fascinating to Cooper,

but. more importantly, now Woody is the new fascination for ALL of us!

He has to come with us now wherever we go, so of course he needed a little carrier.

First stop…Mama! She loves birdies as she has had over 3 of them in her life.

(My Woodrow was the first)

The little bird has now won Daddy’s heart. (or shoulder!)

And, the little guy is part of our family in every way…even singing with us. Well, eventually singing we hope!

Our precious Small Group and our FIRST annual party!

Before Doug and I got married, we knew we not only wanted to be in a couple’s small group Bible Study, but also we wanted to host one. It has been over three years of praying, but finally…..we have arrived.

In January of 2022, we thought we were ready. God had another plan. Upon a few couples coming and going, we finally have our small group, and OH, do we adore each couple. We are all in similar life stage, AND we each share some major similarities. It is a true blessing.

We decided to have a Christmas gathering. Tot sat in the living room as we gathered and joined us here and there..(along with Woody). We waited for our guests to arrive. Here’s my handsome honey. (and our beautifully decorated home).

Alex and Von.

Doug and Giselle.

Julie and Matt.

And Tot… with a little cute feathered friend on her ….head?

We enjoyed our White Elephant gift exchange…and we are all still friends! HEEHEE

My honey made cappuccinos for everyone and ..well, let’s just say he has a second career if needed. YUM!

And Giselle bonded with Coopy.

Tot made sure Woodrow had fun …especially on the train!

We are so grateful for our friends….and for our new little birdie!

I think Cooper is still trying to figure it all out. …..?!