Who is under all of that blond hair?

I put a little mascara on her; women pay for these lashes! She is blessed with gorgeous eyes.
Mom joined for some pics:

We are just about ready to head out.

Buddy, you have to stay behind, but we’ll bring you some candy!
As we headed down the sidewalk, a perfectly V-form of ducks passed overhead. They were scouting out which candy basket to pilfer probably.

God is so amazing in how he innately these ducks know how to form.
OK, Daddy loves our back sides apparently. More likely our hair?

Ok, we’ll go there too.
We hit about 15 of our neighbor’s homes, and it was a treat to see them all.
Hands off my candy, Daddy! Heehee

She ended up donating most of it to her classmates. Everyday, she puts a few pieces in to share, and she also created a “treasure box” for incentive for kids to return the books she lent out. Smart girl!
PAAAAAALEEEEEEEASE drop some of that!

Ready for Thanksgiving now, right Coopy?