Every Labor Day, in the past, we have headed to Coronado Beach. This year, we decided to go to Sedona AFTER we did a Project Peace in our family. You see, the last time we went to Sedona in July, it was a bit messy. Conflicts, misunderstandings, and outbursts. Yuk all around.
Tatum had the brilliant idea of going back to Sedona, throwing some rocks (representing old junk from unwanted behaviors) and redeeming our memories of not only Sedona but moving forward to better unity in our family. YES!
Mrs. Denmark gave Tatum her work for Tuesday and Wednesday; now we are ready to head out ON Labor Day. (We like to miss the crowds!)

Adventures in Odyssey, Focus on the Family, and Family Life podcasts would brighten our ride.
We also decided to change where we stayed; we’re making NEW memories!
When we arrived, the hotel was not ready for us. I found a lovely place that fell right on a trailhead, free breakfast, heated pool, and walking distance to a few spots we love. YEAH!
Our room seems nice too!

Since they weren’t ready for us, they gave us an upgrade to a SUITE! SWEET!
So, to kill a bit of time before lunch, Tot and Daddy played monster Chess. Tatum was determined to capture his king!

Finally, we headed to Subway and McD’s. We love to get ice cream when we travel! (and it was right next to Subway. Plus in the past, McD’s prompted a negative memory, so again, redeem it. Tot got us all some water…

Daddy ordered, and he found the guy behind the glass so pleasant (and he reminded him of Austin), he gave him a tip! What modeling. Show appreciation! Amen.

time to eat and tell riddles!

Ice cream time! My personal favorite.

Pokeman cards were th prize, and now she finally got Pikachu! A rare find apparently!

Ready to head to our room and visit the heated pool. Hmmmmmm. Not sure it was really heated, but we still splashed around and talked to the guests. Worth it!
This fun swingy chair adorns our patio (and it’s like 50 ft distance to pool!)

They have lovely grounds as the sculptures are just beautiful.

After our swimming and settling, we visited Whole Foods and Chipotle for dinner. We wanted to get home for the sunset and hike up to the vista. Arabella had red chairs all set up up there; magnificent views!
The Daddy.

and the Mommy!

And… US!

Tot, you cutie pie! We just can’t get enough of God’s Creation. It’s intoxicating and peaceful.

Dinner, reading, and BED! We were ready for our redemption day and a few surprises.