The wall is filled with my heart: MY ART! New editions

We are now up to TWENTY little art kisses from me to her on her wall.

I just finished a piece I’ve been working on for a few years! I put it aside back in 2019, and now I picked it up again to finish. (all colored pencil)

A sundae!

But the key is the cherry.

The cherry on top is what she is to me. The cheery cherry. So I framed it. (And I added: A cheerful heart is good medicine (Prov 17:22)).

And then…I found this in my art book. Figured I’d frame it too!

And so…Here is the wall now!

I love you so much, my girl.

Visiting Eliana. Melissa’s miracle baby

Seven miscarriages and 3 failed attempts of IVF. The miracle then happened. Melissa got pregnant with her amazing man, Ethan.

July 31st, 2022. Six little lbs: Eliana Jaymes Banning.

Tatum has been chomping at the bit to meet lil’ Ella.

Tatum is a natural!
She wants to babysit in 3 years.

Then I got to hold her! Oh, the memories.

She is such a little peanut! Tot got to feed her.

We brought her books of course.

We can’t wait to visit again. You too, Maddox!

Art Day with Tot! We love to paint

Last birthday, Tatum gave me some things to paint, and we found them in our art room today!
So, we decided to break out the acrylics, paintbrushes, and our creative brains.

She worked on the butterfly and I worked on the cross. I wanted to give it to her!

I finished mine, but hers is still in progress.

I think she likes it!!!

To my girl. I pray you experience the LOVE, JOY, PEACE, and FAITH daily.

TKM: The Peace Project for the Hays

Upon listening to a podcast by Kay Wyma on Family Life Today, I knew we needed to embark on this Peace Project.

Each day, we will each look for ways to be Thankful, Kind, and Merciful: T.K.M.

Tatum and I are reading a chapter a day.

And we fill out our journals.

Then we share at dinner with Daddy. Off to a great start!

Stay tuned.