Way back in the Spring, Tatum saved about $75 for something special from her lemonade stand sales. Fast forward to now. She’s been asking for a Barbie Dream House, but at $230, no way.
We went into OFFERUP…
She decided she wanted to use her money on this! We made deals, deals fell through, opportunities stopped…she had to be PATIENT for the right deal. THEN IT CAME!
We found a deal at $100 including 2 cars and a motorcycle. (and they live in Scottsdale!)
Before we went, we got a haircut and she got to hang with ZERO for a while. Poor guy became the subject of her pictures.
Doesn’t her hair look cute?
OK…now Barbie time. When we showed up to the house, the man was so nice! His daughter grew out of the house, and it was in peak condition.
We drove it home in the Ram! (carefully)
Ok, she might have to charge us RENT for this space in the Living Room.
She dove right in..decorating and playing.
And now she is living the dream. (She decided that her and Noah would live here one day)
As a kid, I was a major Barbie fan. Oh, yes, it occupied all my time…the hair, the clothes, the “vette.” I dreamed of a Barbie Playhouse, but alas, we could never afford.
The Barbie bug has bit the Tot.
Target has a plethora of choices now. She took her allowance and bought two new sets today,
and NOW, guess what she wants????? The Dream House. The price? A nightmare. ($150-$250!)
Stay tuned. She is saving her money.
In the meantime, we are selling stuff! Going through her stash of shoes and toys.
I wanted to return to Ohio to see Dr. Nemeh, but this time, I’d bring my mom. He could fix her scoliosis. Me? I could use a miracle too for my intestinal troubles.
Tot made me a pic…love this so much
I got up early (our flight was at 7:30 am) and hung with Coops, Daddy and Tot. Thank you for the coffee daddy!
We will miss you, Tot and Daddy!
We got to the airport, and I got my mom a wheelchair; so helpful.
Through security and to our plane…we made it. Smiling and ready for Ohio.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Tot and Daddy are having fun. I left a few goodies for Taties to open each night if she behaved well.
Coopy got a little nighty too. (Thanks to Tot!)
Also, Tot made Daddy some dessert. Just look at this creation! He also grilled every night…that was heaven, I’m sure! Along with many chess games and playing in the pool.
Mama and I got our car, a shake from Chik-Fil-A (Thanks to a lovely lady who pushed the wheel chair for my mom), and headed to our hotel.
Cheesecake Factory for dinner and then she gave me a lovely bracelet to commemorate our trip and memories. We haven’t been able to spend much time together, so this was a special time (and for Tot and Daddy too!)
THANK YOU! I just love it;
Tot sent me many texts of love.
I miss you too little cutie.
The next morning, breakfast bar, gym, and delightful time with mom. Ready for Dr. Nemeh!
The water is always a surprise! What fruit will it be today? Blood oranges, OK!
Mama and I got ready and headed to see Dr. Nemeh.
We arrived as we were so excited! I’m ready for a new start. (so is Mama)
Mama went first. He commented that she was so healthy except for her back. He worked miracles on it so she won’t have the improper curvature.
I was next. He commented that I was much better than Feb. (but much inflammation in my back)
But I complained of all the pain and bloating…gas etc.
After we were finished, we went to McDonalds for ice cream and just to relax. I felt awesome, but still so bloated. Not sure WHHHHHYYY!??? Still!!! So glad we go back tomorrow for some followup questions.
Shopping…browsing. Enjoying every flower and tree. It’s so green and colorful!
She offered to take me back to Cheesecake Factory! Oh, my…salmon again. Thank you so much mom.
Tot and Daddy grilled and enjoyed their chess game. I knew they were having a great time.
The next day, we visited Nemeh again.But first, we found an EINSTEIN’s! My coffee! It’s so stinkin’ cute too. Like a little cottage.
Ok..at the office: I told him I just don’t understand: all of my biomarkers have come down. He told me that I have a functional problem. What does that mean? From an injury? I was told it was from food poisoning. The gas in my intestines is caused by archaea (upon eating, they get activated) which produces methane and causes extreme bloating. Then the gas gets stuck and does not move through my small intestine. WHY!!! Finalllllllleeeee….he noticed my bump near my groin where the trapped gas goes. It has become weak and compromised. OH MY…. WE HAVE ALL MISSED THIS: It’s a INGUINAL HERNIA! I have every symptom.
I immediately scheduled an appt for a surgeon in Scottsdale. I’m on it like white on rice.
Mom feels AMAZING too.
Thank you Dr. Nemeh
Mama and I visited the park and the VIEW of the lake. The beauty is breathtaking.
You can sit on the swing and just Be. I NEED THIS in my life.
The path!
We headed downtown to the Rock and Roll Museum, and we parked near the water. Oh, I wanted to get in!
It was packed, so we decided to just go in to the gift shop. They had a cool band playing out front.
The gift shop was little rocking! I found the cutest shirt for TOT since she LOVES music! Stay tuned.
Now, back at home, Daddy and Tot
Had brekkie…(Starbucks unicorn cake pop. Can’t beat it.)
had some BBQ parties apparently.
And lots of good ol’ fashion frolicking in the pool!
OH, the joy of it all! They are blazing hot in Phoenix, as I enjoy the rain and cool weather in Ohio. 75!
More flowers for us! Many more in Ohio.
And our final night at Cheescake.
Oh, I miss the Tot and the Daddy, and she misses us!
Now, mom and me? Oh, the blessing. We bonded so much over talk of family and growing up. Daddy and Tot bonded too! I see so much fruit on the tree. I feared traveling with mom, but she was so delightful.
When I got home….WOW!
the card too?
She always draws pictures of her with me or Daddy..it’s all about relationship for her. (The family is her number one!)
Look at how much she and Daddy did to make me feel special!
Here’s the shirt I bought her…MUSIC is her LOVE so I thought this was great!
Such a great time and WINS all around.
Mama and me bonding!
Mama’s back healing
My experience with Nemeh
Daddy and TOT bonding
Being missed and missing them…so good for our family!