Volunteering at the FOOD BANK: Serving gives joy

Last summer, we volunteered at Paradise Valley Food Bank. I decided for us to return this summer. When we first arrived, we checked the families scheduled to come and built our first cart.

She took over and was proud of her work. YAY!
When the family came, we blessed them and she proceeded to clean it off.

Wait…what is this? This was on the shelf. Cheeto Mac and Cheese?

Yes. Tot felt bad for families that received this treat. Was there any redeeming ingredients in this? Well, probably not, but at least they’d have fun eating it.

We are so grateful to get to serve. You cannot be sad when you are helping others. AMEN!

Starbucks, summer school, sharing, and strategizing our next book!

Wednesday. Why not? Let’s do our school at Starbucks today. Egg white cups and cake pops (and for me some espresso shots) can accompany our work. It makes it all more fun anyway.

First, Bridges. She agreed to save her unicorn cake pop until after she finished her math.

Ready? Set…..


Now, it was time to plan our writing for the summer. For the past three years, we have written a book about Piggie and Puppy.

Year one: At the Beach

Year 2: Bait and Surf:

Year 3: Rock’n’Ride

Now…we are brainstorming.

We discussed:
Characters, plot, theme (message).

Stay tuned!

Oh, we also discussed our Quiet Time with God. What have you been learning? We discussed the ARMOR of GOD and the need to put it on every day to withstand the enemies: World, our own flesh (desires/voices), and the schemey devil. So good. I shared some stories from my past and how I failed and gave into temptation. She shared too. We always grow so close in our conversations. I love our honesty with each other and that she feels I (and DADDY) are safe places to share. (I told her to always go to GOD because HE is the ultimate safe place.

I love you, Tot. What a great summer!

PUNCH! She earned 10!

Her arm must be sore! No, not from punches but from writing, math, Bible, and grammar. Yep!
Today, we set the timer and wrote together. She worked in her journal and wrote a story.

After today, she earned her final punch for her card. She earns a prize after 10.

Good job little Tot!

Going to the movies: TOP GUN!

It was going to be a great day! Tot and I would do school, play, draw, and then I’d head out for Geron (my hair magician). I always send Daddy a pic. Geron is the secret…not me!

Later, we’d go see Tom Cruise in the new Top Gun.

Doug and I discussed with Tot the issue of the bad language, and we prepared her for all the difficult scenes. We don’t want her to learn about these things with her friends. If we can discuss these rationally with her, then it won’t be “taboo” and thus be a temptation for her.

We waited for Daddy as the previews played.

Well…not a good choice to see the previews. Lesson learned. Very inappropriate. Ugh. Why do they do this?

Anyway the movie was amazing. A true representation of Jesus. Sacrifice for your friends. Sacrifice your own life to save a life. Loyalty. Doing what is right. Patriotism. All the things that matter to God.

Now, sure, there was bad language, but we assured Tot to look beyond this and see the point. What a great time and great lessons learned.

Brace Yourself! The start of a toothy ride!

It’s the big day! She had her expander put in a few months ago, and now we add to the mix: BRACES! Nowadays, you can put colorful bands on. Times are so much more fun now.

We arrived on time at 9:15.

Dr. Barakat has such a sweet disposition. She made Tatum feels so comfortable.

She got to choose the colors of bands! Pink and green won the day.

Look at that smile!

She taught us how to brush and what not to eat. Goodbye popcorn for now. (All of a sudden she is craving popcorn; funny how that is when something is taboo …we want it more!

Now she’s ready to swim!
Hi Zoe!

Hay house of fun, learning, and creativity: SUMMER “school”

Mommy, Daddy, here is the start of my story. I just wrote this.

It was 9pm at night. She had been penning for about 20 minutes and this was the result.

I LOVE her word choice and voice! It is so vibrant and fluid.

The next day, she wanted to start our summer school. She didn’t want to wait! I bought her a journal, and I challenged her to write in it daily. It’s a fun, make your own cover, journal…like a LEGO design. Perfect!

What did you see today? What did you learn today? Let’s just observe and reflect.

For example, these glorious irises. Just observe how they make our mood calm and joyful.

Alright…here is the schedule. We’ll use our Art/Play/Explore room.

I’m using these “PUNCH CARDS” when she accomplishes her goals for the day.

We love to PUNCH as much as possible! HAHA

First, the pledge and the Bible pledge.

Now, Bridges.

A little math…a little grammar….reading… I love this book!
We also augment with more math, grammar, etc. I also am doing Bible lessons; she must read 20 each day also. She is loving it.

Here is our art lesson today thanks to Artforkidshub.com

We look forward to this summer! Only 30 minutes to an hour of this (except Fri-Sun).

We also discuss our quiet time insights on M, W, F. Stay tuned for some of the fun.

Seeing friends….. (Vivian) and laughing at Coopy are some examples!

(Coopy getting a shoe caught on his leash and not quite sure what to do!)

Oh…the fun. Ok…more later!