We love our IDEA night once a month!
I went first:

Daddy has a SUMMARY of all of his ideas!


We are getting these DONE! LOVE IT!
See you in July!
Living an Intentional Life
We met friends at Legoland. It never gets old.
Ethan and Tot rode the fly ride. First time I didn’t ride with the Tot!
Ethan, Elizabeth (her 2 year old) and Cana! (and a couple others joined)
This time when we went the to 4D movie, we brought our sweaters to cover our head. We get sprayed with water usually.
So much fun!
Later that week, We had Ruby over. They swam swam swam and played played played!
Friends. We love our playdates!
Sunday morning. The girls decided to dress alike to make daddy swoon. We headed to church early to greet, but first, he took our picture.
more posing. OK…you stand now!
Lovebug…. we love you Daddy!
And the two of us love each other sooooo much, and the more love to give you! Practicing our kissing!
After greeting at church and singing/worshipping at church, I made my HHH and Tot breakfast. See the little Coopyhead’s eyes? He!
I made Daddy some delicious greek yogurt/protein lemon bars too!
Tatum made him a little foldy thingy
Oh..spoiling the honey today!
Lots of cards! Mugs…plaque.
(Coopy peeking out) HEE!~
Now for the piece de resistance! (the ultimate)> Sit down Daddy. We put a movie together for you!
I put it up on YouTube and played it. Here are some of the pics.
Tot ended with a little finger puppet show
Oh, and let’s not forget the lemon bars. (with whipped cream OF COURSE)
I made them with no sugar and greek yogurt. They were a HIT!
I just basked in our Daddy. WE played “The Father’s Heart” with the movie. We love you Doug Hay!
Happy Sad Happy Sad. Mixed emotions.
Thunderbolt has been really struggling lately. He had a white growth all over his back, and it has only gotten worse. Every month we disinfect his house, but for some reason, he has not bounced back. Tatum asked if we could go into Pet Smart and see what was wrong.
He’s on his last “fin,” as the fishy expert told us. It’s time to move on and pick another one. She wanted a girl, but we fell in love with a Twintail Half-moon Beta fish. Snowball! Perfect name.
On the ride home, she cried. We came into the house. She cried. “He was my best friend.”
Let’s flush him down the toilet as we say a prayer; he can swim right up to heaven!
And guess what? He swam away into the abyss of the plumbing. Oh Glory Be!
Farewell, Thunderbolt!
Coopy, meet Snowball.
He’s just precious!
Thank you God for the gift of Thunder. Take care of him!
Snowball, welcome to your new home!
Hiccups. They happen in families. The key…and the MOST IMPORTANT THING is not that you don’t have conflicts or challenges; no, it’s how do you handle them?
This time, instead of singling out one person, I asked each of us to write a letter to the other two.
We decided to meet early before dinner and present our letters.
Tatum went first:
I like this and her handwriting. Asking for help….humility. A vital skill.
Now, Daddy. I love you honey.
Our promise of NEVER leaving, but just using a time to cool off when needed. We don’t want to operate in the emotional side of our brain but in the rational.
Now my turn. I kind of poured out my heart with a plethora of words!
I love you both so much. My family. May we continue to TEAM up! In HIS name.
I am a student of Tatum, for I love to watch her play. As I learn about her gifts, I see so many ways God made her unique.
As of late, she is obsessed with any magazine with room pictures or people pictures.
She spreads out on the ground and orders them in story form.
Then, she informed me she is going to redecorate each room. Dining room is first.
Oh, I love it. She said she’ll change it tomorrow for a new look.
Living room? Foyer?
Oh, I like the play room!
That bed is very unique and playful. Or this one for the bedroom.
The bathroom?
She makes FUN out of simple things. I have celebrated her brain so often because I love how she can turn a magazine, box….into a whole new world.
Tot, you INSPIRE me to think outside the box.
As we say in our home, “Bored people are boring.” She has never said the B word.
(OH, check out the Bible on the right. She BEGGED me for a new small compact Bible she could carry around) And she has been. She reads the PSALMS every night. I gave her a notecard of the most comforting Psalms to read before bed. (23, 42, 103, 62….) Tot is ARMED with HIS comfort. AMEN!