On Saturday, Doug and I awoke to this “good morning!”

That set up the weekend to be quite “love”LY! So of course the next day, I had a little surprise for her.

Doesn’t she look cute? Loved, she is definitely.
Today, Palm Sunday, she’ll be waving the palm branches in the CHAPEL. (this is the older crowd service and the kids are going to bring so much joy!)
She’s pretty excited! I want her to know that she is so loved that she can spill over now and love on others. (LIVE AS LOVED!)

They have more of a traditional service in the chapel. I love going there because this is where Doug and I got married. It’s such a bright and cheery environment.

Jesus our Savior reigns! He is the KING! Humbly riding in on a donkey as they sing, “HOSANNA!”

The congregation loved it!
We headed back to our service in the Sanctuary. Kevin Yule preached today about Jesus being our true Priest (from Hebrews 7).

With Jesus, we now can Draw Near To God, and may we not take this for granted.
Later that day, we celebrated Palm Sunday (and the launch of Holy Week) with these blocks (similar to the Advent Blocks we did at Christmas)

This was the first day. More to come as we head to Resurrection Sunday!