From Tatum’s idea journal back in the fall, we decided to open up a business when it got warmer. It seemed like we kept putting it off, but finally this weekend, it was time. It’s soon to get too hot.
We first watched a few videos on successful business practices for our mini-entrepreneur. We also watched many Shark Tank shows to inspire.
Of course, we had our list of all the things. ALLLLLL the things to make it successful. Doug pitched in with his ideas, and oh how valuable! As a team, we all worked on it. I ventured to Fry’s to get the first needs.

Then I got to work on the baking. My Mimi Blossoms and my whipped shortbread cookies would be the sweets, and Country Time (we opted for easy vs. carpal tunnel from all the squeezing!

Then it was time do some marketing. Tatum woke up at 5am and made fliers. I told her I’d make copies, but she opted to make each one by hand.

She went around and gave them to neighbors. Overawesome. (ha!) A Tot-created word non-hyphenated. (no puns intended here)

Now, it’s time to make our big sign and get all the goodies together. My HERO HHH found this awesome credenza and table in the garage and got it all cozy for us. The set-up is perfect!! In fact, our neighbors came by asking when we were opening!

We set the prices just right. A dollar for each item and a free rock for the Homeless. (Tot’s idea)

Ok! We are ready!!!

I spend the next two hours hanging and helping.


Tatum wanted more traffic, so she pulled out the BIG DADDY!

Get your ice cold lemonade! It’s HOT! H.O.T!

On her journey yodeling the Lemonade Mantra, she happens upon some landscapers who were H.O.T!!!! She ran back to tell me she wanted to give them free lemonade and cookies. Of course! (She did this a couple of times).
Well, you reap what you sow. From more than three people, she got a 20 dollar bill and a “keep the change” response. It all comes back when you GIVE, Tot!
One guy gave her…

So, at the end of the day, she pulled in $91 (less 20 since Daddy gave us 20 one’s so we’d have change).

Two tens and a five for just two cookies. Just wow!

Then the doorbell rang. It was a landscaper. He handed her a $10 and a thank you. Again, you reap what you sow TOT! Sow kindness seeds; receive a bushel of kindness

What fun! Stay tuned for next weekend. Probably one more chance before the heat. I am so proud of our family! We all pulled it off together.