It all started back in November of 2021. I listened to a podcast about this man, Isaam Nemeh.
Supposedly, he has performed 1000’s of miracles combined with science in his practice. I was fascinated since I have been struggling with gut issues for years. What did I have to lose? The Holy Spirit is so strong with him, and he truly seems to embody LOVE and POWER through God. He believes that love is the power that connects everything together. He can tell if someone is not open to being healed because of attitude or a negative spirit.
Also, he takes NO credit for anything. He says he is just a vessel through which God works. (this is Isaam and his wife Kathy).

Then I read these two books.

One day, I’m reading these books, and I say to Doug, “I want to go to Ohio. Our family…to visit this man.” He thinks I’m a bit loopy, but then he reads the books, and he says, “We’re going.” I make an appt for his next opening which is on February 25th, 2022. His wife, Kathy, is so kind on the phone, and I can’t wait. Done. I make the reservations for all of us to go to Cleveland for four days.
Now, it’s time. I’m ready for a complete miracle and healing. Isaam says the patient must be open to only LOVE. God will do the rest. In the meantime, I listen and watch anything I can on the man, and now I’m more intrigued and excited. So many miracle stories. So many.
We leave early Thursday morning.

And dressed for the COOOOOOLD temperatures in Ohio. Board and ready for our straight 3.5 hour flight to Cleveland.

We get our rental, grab a Mcdonald’s cone, and head to our hotel at the Hyatt Westlake.
And BRRRRRR it’s about 20 degrees promising to snow tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the big day. When we wake up, the place is covered in snow!! How glorious!

We’ll wake up, eat, work out and see Dr. Nemeh. It’s only 9 minutes away. (on our way from the hotel).

We look for his building, and there is NO sign….nothing. His office is very discreet. People come from all over to see him and he has no need to advertise. I love this about him. SOOOO humble. We arrive and Kathy immediately welcomes us! I start to cry with absolute joy. She takes our picture…

and we notice all around the office are gifts from grateful patients. It’s overwhelming!

Dr. Nemeh walks out quietly, humbly.
He has me hold a grounding device and sees my numbers on the screen. My fingers don’t respond nor my toes as well as they should. He says my nervous system is broken. Perhaps and accident? Yes, my rollover 20 years ago.

It affected my whole body. He begins to electrically stimulate me with needles and vibration.

Then red light. BTW< green light shrink tumors. Then he works on my back and notices my smooshed vertebrae and my “d” shaped spine. He slowly straightens it as Doug’s eyes pop out of his head. WOW. He works on it for a while and moving it, lighting it, vibrating it…and oh PRAYING.

OH, and guess what the TOT is doing? She’s romping in the snow outside. And guess where Kathy is? She goes on an errand to buy a treat for the TOT.

I am relaxed. I feel warm. He prays Holy Spirit to release me. To give me strength. To heal me. I’m completely at HIS will. Amazing. Tatum and Daddy watch, and then he prays over Tatum’s allergies. I feel like a miracle has overtaken my body.
I feel different
At peace
Relaxed. Joyful.
Later, we give Dr. Nemeh a gift. WE are all weepy and filled with gratitude. Something amazing happened.

Tot gets…. A 1/2 a dozen cookies!!

We are so grateful.

Later, we meet a girl (who flew in from North Carolina with her mom) whose scoliosis was healed. She is returning to have it checked. She is beaming with miraculous joy. I am determined to have my mom come with me in the summer.
The next morning, (we see the happy geese)….

and…Kathy calls me and says, “Stephanie, receive the gift and own the healing. Call is every few weeks for prayer over Skype.” I WILL! I also will do the red light therapy to continue to heal. Science and faith. Now, I need to BE STILL AND KNOW HE IS GOD. Thank you!!!
We shop for Daddy the next day. Tot is enjoying the dressing room and helping Daddy with his jean-changing.

Those look great, Daddy! My hot hubby.

We enjoy the day of shopping, eating (ice cream with no side effects!!), and being a family.

Chick Fil A for dinner back at the room. I love eating in our room and enjoying our gratitudes for the day.
The next morning we get up early and wake to this text:

So thankful for them.
We have to head out early to catch our flight and this gorgeous crescent moon also greets us.

When we get home, we are exhausted. However, we still meet as a family. Our PACT only grows.

VOW to grow in OUR relationship as a family and with God. I also will be beginning PROJECT PEACE with Tatum (March project)> Stay tuned on this.
Thank you, Dr. Nemeh, Kathy, Doug, and Tatum. My team. My tribe. I’ll never forget this February 2022 weekend.