Wow, look at this. Isn’t it beautiful?

We appreciate our Veteran’s!
Living an Intentional Life
The joy of renewal. First, Tatum lost her 9th tooth FINALLY! Right on track with it being her 9th birthday in 10 days.
Mrs. King gave her a little treasure box to hold it since she lost it at school.
A gaping hole right in front, but look at this X-RAY! Her teeth are all coming in FAST!
WIth the new coming in, this sunset brings in the joy of the NEW! Beautiful.
The sunrise this morning reminded me of a truth that is promised. If you look at the sunrise at one point:
AAAHHHH, you see a bright, brilliant array of rainbow colors.
Now, look at what happens literally three minutes later. COMPLETELY different! Still majestic, but a whole new look.
I think this is how our lives should work. We have to take ONE moment, ONE day, ONE year…at a time. Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. The “thing” will pass and a new HOPE will arise. Sometimes it may be bleak; but TAKE HEART! He has overcome the world. He changes the landscape WITHOUT HE HIMSELF changing. Trust and HOPE in HIM> Amen.
Eleven months we have done this! WOW!
Tonight did not disappoint.
Started out with a new game: Unstable Unicorns. Made by the same people as Exploding Kittens but much kinder and gentler. Our heart rate isn’t soaring during the game like with the Kitten game.
Tot took the prize tonight with getting 7 unicorns in her stable. Good start to dinner!
Well, salmon and buttered parmesan spaghetti squash is the menu tonight. Tot and Daddy got a little acrostic card.
We are ready!
Tot shared first. Some ideas got repeated since we STILL need to do them.
I love her ideas for family….games, cooking, competing!
(BTW, I gave her a “squirrel pad” to record ideas when she is at school. I have one by my workspace so I can write down anything that comes to mind as I work (you know those “squirrel” moments!
Of course…
Yes He does, TOT!
Doug’s ideas are always wonderful too. House inspirations and family ideas.
I like that he never forgets to include activities for our family to grow closer. PLEASANT WEEK! Let’s repeat.
And mine…I am all about the menu and family ideas. (some of mine are just for me and 2022…like the commonplace journal idea. Stay tuned).
What a great dinner. Stay tuned for implementation!
She writes wonderful stories because her imagination is rich. She captures the characters’ voices and minds in her dialogues.
Then there are times when she is down.
Mommy, I’m sad, and I can’t sleep. She WORRIES WORRIES WORRIES about me, and I feel awful when she does. I ALWAYS reassure her that GOD’S got this! He is our hope, our peace, and our rock. We need not be anxious, “but in everything with prayer and petition we make our requests…and the PEACE of GOD (which transcends our understanding) guards our hearts and minds F.O.R.E.V.E.R!!!” (Phil 4:6, 7)
SO, I tell her to draw. And this is what she brought to me after I said good night. She did this in her bed.
She is so good at loving on our COOPY. Her heart overflows with love for others. Truly.
She even started a prayer club at school. Did anyone want to join? She got rejected. Life lesson there….disappointment is part of life, but her boldness is contagious. Don’t give up, my lovebug.
You keep swinging! You keep going. There will be ups and downs, but you be YOU, and don’t give up.
(BTW, Daddy, WE LOVE THE SWING! Thank you for putting it up for us! )
Tot, I love you so much. You are my joy!