Report card woes? and BRAVERY

No, not really. I actually love her grades, but when an “S” is earned, I always want to understand.

S in most of the work study habits was concerning. I asked Tot about it, and she truly didn’t know. The comments said….

Disrespectful? OK, now I need to know. I suggested we go in and talk to her about it so Tatum could be aware of WHAT to work on.

The next morning, Mrs. King was glad to spend time with us. She said, “I NEVER give E’s the first quarter.” She wants to see the kids improve! Oh my, she did get some E’s and with social, that is AWESOME!
She did say, “Tatum, you know you can be a bit chatty.” And Tatum agreed.

But here’s the big deal here: Tatum was WILLING to go in and find out what she could do better. In other words, she CONFRONTED her problems instead of avoiding. What a skill to learn at such a young age.

Tatum, I love that you beat your own drum and you aren’t like other kids.

Mrs. King is so proud of you. She even said how respectful and kind you are to ALL.

Tot, I’m so proud of you. Courage, kindness, and introspective. I love you.

PVCP picnic!!

WE LOVE OUR SCHOOL! It was the picnic this year that brought us all together again. This was a great opportunity for Tot to hang out with friends and for us to meet other families.

When we first got there, we met Panther!

And then the fam….. Tatum was ready to RUN to see her friends, so we had to first stop and pose!

I like this one too.

Tot was off, and honey and I found the pumpkin patch. We had the opportunity to pick one but first, he’s so handsome.

Sophia and Tot came to visit us, and how cute are they!

Tatum looks up to her and Sophia looks up to Tatum; such a kind girl, and together they are great friends.

She also got her hand painted with Isabelle. Another good friend.

She had a blast sliding, jumping, running, and playing.

Doug and I enjoyed our “date” at the picnic tables. Perfect.

Pillow love and laughter

I had to. I had to make her a pillow for those nights; we all have them! She gets scared, or she has a bad dream. I wanted her to know that she can be assured that God is surrounding her bed with angels and that I love her so.

I even had it put on a pillow so it would be a continual reminder and perhaps leak into her brain.

We say this every night before bed: (Ps 4: 8)

Sweetheart, I love you so. We also make each other laugh! That is the best. (The latest Mom and Me entry).

Columbus Day meets Idea Monday October!

A day of fun with Tot and Ideas at dinner. What more could we ask for?

The weather has been turning nice and cool, so we decided to dust off our bikes and pump up the tires (thank you DADDY!), and head to Butter’s for breakfast.

and me!

Hay’s are happening!
We made it!~

What a nice chat. We also did our devotion and just enjoyed each other: GIRL TIME!

Look at this gal. The one on the right is pretty special.

When we got home, she was caught playing HARD in her bedroom! Caught having too much fun (wink wink)

Later, we went to the park and played frisbee, and I watched her play on the jungle gym.

We also visited mom and took her some fresh shortbread that I made.

Idea dinner is around the corner, so I prepped for dinner when I got home.

Sautéed shrimp in pesto with cauliflower mash and roasted broccoli.

I absolutely LOVE to spoil my family. Look how CUTE they both are! That smile (on both of them brings me so much joy!)

Here are our ideas. Which ones will we do?

I love the cookie decorating ideas and the picnic. TOT, we are doing them!
Here are Daddy’s. He always has great house ideas.

Yard games, scarecrow, house improvements.

And mine!

Mine were somewhat repetitive from last month. I’m now going to transfer these ideas to my planner so they happen because HAY’S HAPPEN!

Deep thoughts

There are days when Tatum gets very deep. This was one of them.

Then there are other times when she is just surfacey silly!

“sup!?” That is what she is saying. What is up? Well, what is up is Cooper looking cute and…..

wishing SOMEONE would play with him.

Now that is some deep thoughts!

Rainbow promises, creamy clouds, and cute Coopy

OH, the beauty of this morning. Have you ever just needed to hear from HIM? Today was one of those days. Tatum and I are driving to school, and we spied…you guessed it, a message from our FATHER.

His promise of new beginnings: a rainbow.

Next thing you know, we saw a double one.

It continued as we drove on. The WHOLE rainbow showed itself. He is the beginning and the end. The Alpha and The Omega. The One Who is and Who is to Come. The Almighty. (Rev 1:8)

Later that night, we went outside, and these were the clouds we saw. Looks like creamy mashed potatoes!

Thank you, Daddy, for your provision, your providence, and your protection. Amen!

And for cute Coopy!