What a day!!! Sunday! We love Sundays.
Started out with the usual: Tot and I greet at church, so we wore our costumes. Tot wanted to be an Ace of Hearts, and so Doug and I will be the King and Queen of hearts.

How cute!

Tot, you are full of HEART!

Our shoes are even cute. Mine have Bugs Bunny on them because you can never be too old for Looney Toons.

Vera, one of our favorite other greeters, had to pose with the Tot. She is so lovely! She exudes Jesus’ love.

We loved church today: It was on the 6th Commandment: Do not Murder. Relevant for all of us? YES! Let’s only use kind words to build up. We will not “murder” one’s soul with disrespect or rudeness. …only words that BUILD UP! (Eph 4:32)
When we got home, I made my loves some HEALTHY coconut flour pecan bread. It was a winner apparently.

Love spoiling them.
Austin came over later to help Daddy in the backyard, and Tot joined them a bit. They had a “squirrel” moment when he helped her catch a lizard. Pete (she named the little guy cuz that’s what girl do to make lizard catching fun).

Almost time for our outing in the neighborhood. It’s our FIRST official Halloween in our neighborhood, and really my first one having a neighborhood! Ha!
Let’s look at how cute our King of Hearts looks:

King of my heart!
More pics of our cute Hay fam.

Tot wanted to bring her “kid” who she drew on her pink pad. Ok, sure. (but you have to carry him!)

Full of heart family!
We visited many of our new neighbors and got to know them a bit.
Tot got some candy along the way of course! It was so much fun to visit with our neighbors since our house took so long! We have a following, you see, since it was a Work-In-Progress forE.V.E.R. Now, with the yard and fountain complete (Thanks TO MY HONEY), all are in awe!
We got home around 6:15 for mom to come over. Doesn’t she look cute in her Q of H outfit?

We love you MAMA!
Tot couldn’t wait for the door to ring so she could welcome our visitors! Daddy loved that she wanted to take this job so we could enjoy our dinner.

Now this is the GENEROUS part. WOW> She dumped ALL of her Halloween candy (which she had just received…and it was A.L.O.T!!) into the giveaway candy jar for our trick or treaters.
She also gifted it to mom….but here’s the kicker. We have none of it left! She gave it all away. Luckily I saved a few Twizzlers and Jolly Rancher pops. Love her HEART!!!
What a fun night! This was the sunrise the next Monday morning. Magnificent.

God you are so good to us with your painting. Thank you for creating my TOT, my hubby, and my wonderful mom. XO to you all. (we are ready for November!)