She made a nice sign for our weekly Hay Happens.

Thank you TOT! When asked to set the table, we get little love notes.

She also uses her creativity to persuade Mrs. King.

Our creative, kind, loving TOT!
Living an Intentional Life
Sunday night at our weekly Hay Happens meeting, I put a Post-it pad and a pen in front of each of us. The challenge was to use the pad through the week to encourage each other.
Well, not only did we encourage each other, we got kind of sneaky. We would find notes on our computer screen, in the microwave, on the faucet in the bathroom, inside a book we were reading, under the placemats, on the coffee maker….quite the sneaky crew, we are!
Here are some examples:
Daddy had fun with Tot on her mirror:
or this one. Turtles, giraffes, ostriches…they love Tot too.
Tot gave it back to us too! Well in the ones below, the top one is from my HHH. The middle one was a sorry note for a lil hiccup Tot had. And then the last one is her giving me well wishes for my day!
Daddy knows how to love on me!
Tot made me a nice extra long love note!
And others….
Tot made Daddy many many many too!
I made the Hay loves this the other night:
Oh this is so fun!
More love from my HHH
And of course on Friday, you have to make it fluffy, right?
These notes really help a hard day, but the also BLESS!
Sometimes a note can be all we need…especially when we have a hiccup. Tot, your heart…MELT.
We just adore each other in the HAY home. There are days…oh, yes, there are days, but we stick together and always build up. Let’s keep it up! AMEN.
What lights up my life? Jesus presence throughout my day. The Holy Spirit give me power with HIS presence in my heart. I feel loved and hugged. However, God also provides people to give us human representation of HIS love. My hubby is one such LIGHT in my life.
Currently we are taking a Grace Marriage class at SBC. We will meet four times this year. At the beginning of class, we had to fill out these questions about our spouse.
This lights up my heart. These are treasures for me. He doesn’t keep these things secret either, edifying me in public. What a blessing. How did I get to be so blessed? Beautiful? He makes me feel this way even when I don’t.
Here is mine.
Well, This little gal also lights up my life. She is a little Jesus! Throw in the goofy too.
Thank you Chick-fil-a for providing the goof tool.
The analogy of our house being lit up reminds me of how we can be lights to this world. I pray for that daily.
Just look at this amazing tree lit up at night!
May we be like this gorgeous, delicate yellow flower and stand tall and bold in a broken world…..during the day
and at night.
We do a lot of these. Every Sunday and Wednesday, we are going through a Catechism book.
We love this because it is simple and easy to read! We have fun talking about these at dinner too. Tot has a book to go with it.
Then we read the devotion.
In addition to this, we continue to go through this devotion:
I wholeheartedly believe that the more saturated we become in scripture, the more it penetrates our hearts and affects our behavior. The Holy Spirit is active and working in each of our hearts, and I see the effect of these devotions on HIS presence being felt in our family.
For example, the other day, we discussed Psalm 19:14: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” Now, how do you think this discussion went? Well, we know that words carry so much. Our tongue can be used for building up or tearing down. Our family will be a building up family. Then this is paid forward in how we treat our friends and others.
I so enjoy our dinners together! We always spend time in gratitude as well. The foundation that we build at home goes DEEP. The roots grow deeper and deeper the stronger we are at home. This makes us unshakable in the world: SO WE CAN BE LIGHTS.
I love you, Hay Family!
So…..what is the best advice you have gotten? From mom.
Now Tot will share.
I wonder what she’ll say?
It has STUCK! To be a light! (Matt 5:16)
She explained that she doesn’t like me having SIBO symptoms when I eat the wrong foods. She just wants me to get better. Bless her. Thank you Tot.
Now, tonight, we had the next entry.
Leadership. This should be good.
I did not expect this. Sophia is one of her classmates! This is so cool that she looks up to her.
She gets what a leader is. Amen.
Now what did I write?
What fun this is with her. Tot, I love you! Till next entry….stay tuned!
WOW! We’ve done this now 9 times and it just keeps getting better. Tonight I decided to create a “menu.” We love the Food Network, and I love to set the stage with the right ambiance.
This is Tot’s plate. BBQ chicken and cauli-tots! She has been wanting tater tots, so I made them healthy style. Let’s see how they go.
Doug provided a sweet note for each of us.
Tot started with her list.
They flowed and flowed. She had so many this month!
I especially like the Bible reading. She wants us to sit outside and each take a piece of the Bible to read to each other. She also wants a reading night! (Outside by our fire).
Soccer, lemonade stand…all so fun, Tot!
Ok, Daddy always has so much about house beautification.
I like the PLEASANT contest. WE are FO SHO going to do #s 5 and 6, honey! I know he’ll do the others cuz that’s the guy he is!
Now, mine….were a bit simplistic.
I like to make new foods! I also want to have a “Grate’fall'” party for her friends and make gratitude rocks. Hopefully turn this into a ministry.
Yes, we need a COVID plan.
OK, so it was a success! I love doing these. Now I must go write many of these in my planner to make sure they happen.
Love you family!