TGG at its finest for this first year. I wanted to start this tradition when she was 8 and continue it indefinitely. Each year, we’ll go away somewhere special; just the two of us gals.
I found a great deal on a local hotel and it happens to be connected to Fleming’s Steakhouse (which is one of our fav places to get filet). Win-win.
The day arrived, and we wished Daddy and Coopy (the boys) a fruitful time without us. I knew Doug would work on the landscape, and Coopy would hang in his house.
When Tot and I arrived at the Hilton, they told us they had to close the hotel due to roof damage. (no wonder it was so empty in the parking lot!). So, they moved us down the street to the Doubletree.
We were very disappointed until we arrived and saw where our room was and where the pool was!
Our room was literally about 5 feet from our parking space. Halleluia! AND, the pool was right outside our patio door. God provided FAVOR!

Since it was blazing hot outside, we immediately changed in to our swimmies. She looks so grown up!

The pool, conveniently right there!, was ginormous. The whole thing is only 3 ft deep, so I couldn’t really paddle my legs, but it sure felt good!
We found the best place to cool off.


Ok, I need my hat for this unruly mop.

Better! Truly frolicking. It was meditative!

Now, for an appropriate Waterloo for the waterfall.

We enjoyed it so much, and on our way back to the room, we thought of daddy with this fountain. More opportunity to frolic.

Isn’t this amazing? Ours will be even better, honey. (Daddy we love you!)
We got ready, curled, primped, and propped, VOILA!

You are glorious, Tot.
We shared our gratitude journals before we left.
She edified me so much. She loves me and loves my “persinallity”

Now for mine:

OK, we must skedaddle!
I had her sit next to me in the car instead of her carseat. We only had to drive 2 blocks, and I wanted to treat her like the big girl that she is.
Arrived! Oh, this is so special. Tatum was so excited.

They sat us in a nice booth, and Tatum wanted to sit next to me, but I told her it would be easier to chat if she was across. So, she smiled and just looked so sweet.

And me… We are having such a good time. She is acting so grown up (and so was Tatum ). teehee

We wanted some shrimp cocktail to start, so we ordered this. Then the waiter suggested we both order off the children’s menu since it was a 3-course. The filet on the kiddo menu was 6 oz and you get a salad and dessert. AND, it is only $23! (vs salad for $13, 8oz filet for $46, and dessert for $13). Hooray!
We started with a “cocktail.” She had a Shirley Temple with sparkling water. (and grenadine), and I had some wine. Just ordered a bottle and would take it all home since I wanted it cold.

Ok, now for the conversation. We played questions. She would ask me a question, and then I would ask her one. We mostly shared about friends and how to be a good one! It was very fruitful and funny too.
Meanwhile, the food kept coming. At one point, I gave her a bite of lettuce, filet and creamy horseradish. She had a food fiesta in her mouth.

Oh, the delight! This filet is dreamy.

We even ordered an extra salad, and low and behold, we were overcome with forks. Forks everywhere.

Well, it’s better than having a dirth of them. Ok, dessert time. We figured we’d take it back to the room with our reading.
Berries and Chantilly cream. Delightful! (I added some chocolate because you can’t have a day without it.

Bedtime? 9:30pm. We were pooped out!
We both slept like angels. Especially since we had our own beds!
The next morning, we both woke about 6:30am, and guess what we did? Well, of course, we headed to the pool. I did laps and so did she. She then showed me how to do dual breathing (both sides) since I can only breathe on my left side, and she showed me the butterfly. I’m not so dolphiny like she is!
Checked out, and we headed to Einstein’s for coffee, devotion, and her bagel. It was perfect.
When we got home, my honey had this waiting.

And guess who else was excited and a bit bouncy?
Yes, the little white fluff ball.

And Tot left this for me on my computer for me to see after we unpacked. Be still my heart.

Tot, I had the absolute best time. You are such a kind, sweet, loving girl. And you have such a grateful heart. I can’t wait to see what we’ll do next year.