Two Girls “Twos”day on her Spiritual Birthday

Tatum accepted Jesus as her Savoir three years ago today. It also happens to be two girls Tuesday.

She wanted to go shopping at Target and get breakfast. So we did a bit of shopping and then brought our breakfast home.

She bought a little doggie, and Cooper hung out with him.

She wanted to do our Mom and me journal together at breakfast and I told her I had a surprise.

Oh what makes us laugh, cry, proud and excited.

I love her answers.

She’s been saving money for a Kindle reader for months now, and today…yes, today, she had the $40. So, I presented it to her today. (I had to pitch in a bit).

Her fun glasses make her look so studious. She LOVES it. I still love paper books, but she can travel with this.

Tonight, we’ll celebrate. And we did! We went ………


Tot, HHH, and HHW.

And off we went!

Daddy was on FUEGO!!

Tot didn’t do so bad either!
We headed home, had a yummy dinner (Tot wanted lettuce wraps). We celebrated with a card..

And I had to buy this for her since her daddy works with space. Isn’t this awesome!

Launching into life with Christ!

The cupcake made all the difference too.

Tatum I love you so much! May your journey with Christ be a growing and life-giving experience. A life of light, service, and love.

What a fun day!!!

Scrambling and Bob’s Engaged!

Again, I came home to this:

A treasure hunt to find all the letters then I needed to unscramble. Very fun, Tot!

Now, my dear friend Bob is finally getting married for the first time! (he’s 52, so this is very exciting)

Tot made him some cards and we met him at SBC for coffee.

We are so happy for you, sweet man!

Fun with Mama at Nordstrom!

The other day, Tatum got to have lunch with Mama! She loves spending time with her.

Don’t they look so cute?

Mama wrote this to me:

Seen lunching at Nordstrom’s on Mon., July 26, 2021. She got an ice cream shirt and matching earrings while we shopped. 

A darling sidenote:  When she went into the bedroom to visit Coti she passed by the floor length mirror and she curtsied to herself holding the sides of her dress as she did.  How feminine and sweet!  Where did she learn about royalty?  She did look like a princess!

A day of blessings for Gmama and Tatum!

We are mission minded! Hay’s Craft

Our meeting this week was another creative endeavor. The teacher in me tends to come out since it has been dormant for a while~ Ha!

So, I had my loves sit down and hear me out: “I’m going to read our mission statement and I want you to write down three words that you hear or that resonate with you. Then, we’ll draw what that means to you!”

Here we go:

And there they go.

Tatum went first.

She drew these three words: grateful, strive, committed.

The first guy is showing his gratitude journal; the second guy is striving in his garden, and the third guy is committed to swimming his best!

Ok, my honey went next.

His was quite deep and lovely! Words: Family, God, Love
We, as a family, are on a journey. (toward GOD!), and we are crossing the rivers of adversity, but we have LOVE keeping us together and focused as we journey towards him daily. It’s a daily endeavor, but with each other and God, we shall persevere. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

OK, now me.

Words: Honor, Grace, Love.

Rooted and grounded in LOVE, our family HONORS God. Daddy and I surround Tatum (with protection and love) as we Honor God; she has her eyes on God, and she honors us which in turn honors God. This allows us all to have GRACE for each other and for all. This all comes from our root of Love that grounds us all. We, Team Hay, will continue on in his LOVE journey. XXOO

I love you, Hays.

Outdoing appreciation

The week continued on with notes to each other. I had a sign up for Tot when she woke up.

So when I got home from the gym, this was waiting for me.

I’m realizing that Tatum’s love language is time, hugs, and gifts. If you spend time with her, give her little notes, and hug her to bits, this trio is a winner.

(I’m kinda similar!) smile.

They were in cahoots to surprise me AGAIN

The next day, it got even better. I walked in from the gym in the early morning and TADA! Tot and Daddy had planned a new and improved BEST MOM EVER sign. They worked on a whole new one together.

I walked in and saw it.

Tatum had showed me the blueprint of her plan. I love that she planned it out, showed Daddy, and then enlisted his help.

She went through each letter and showed me all the intricacies. This took some thought and work. When did they do this? WOW!

The emojis, the sunset, the crosses, the hearts…

Meanwhile, Cooper watches. (maybe he’s planning something in his deep thoughts)

Here’s her plan. LOVE! She is like her Daddy. Blueprint and all.

SO I snuck in her room and put this on the back of her door.

You two are my loves. MY LOVES!!!

We Lego landed on Two Girls Twosday

Yep, Tatum’s dream was to go there again. We were supposed to be in Sedona this week, but we canceled. Tot begged to go to LegoLand instead, so I said YES!

Donning our TEAM HAY shirts (since Tot likes to match on Tuesdays), we arrived when they opened. Excited!

We agreed the gift shop would be our last destination, so we started on the video game room. She tried to create her own character.

Fun, but we were ready for the ride! Let’s go shoot some bad guys.

Here’s your weapon, Love.

I had mine ready to go too, so we were armed and ready.

Ok, she is winning. (see the number on the left is Tot’s and mine is on the right)

The sky photo caught us looking WAAAAY too intense.

Relax! We needed to chill in the lego building room. This is PHENOMENAL!
This plays music…4 different instruments.

There we so many scenes. Look! We just went to the Sugar Bowl yesterday.

(they call in SUGAR RUSH …HA!)

Water and ships. Look how they made it sparkle!

Sunflower field!

The Grand Canyon skywalk.

We were awed!

Now, it’s time to go into the big room and …….Oh, hello!

What a nice host.

Building a car was fun so we could race it. Go tot!

I caught it on film before it went KAPOOEY!

Let’s race it over here.

I had no idea they had farm animals. For the love of dairy.

The 4 D movie was next.

Now, 4 D means we get REAL action. That means water spraying on us. I don’t mean a few squirts. It was constant spraying through the movie since the police chase involved so much water (in the movie). They should have provided a hair dryer as we left. Well, in 110 degrees, it was nice to be wet.

As promised, the gift shop. Kind of a disappointment, so we just bought a little Elmo keychain. They got into the SUNS spirit. (The final game is tonight!)


PaaaaLEASE! (they need to win tonight)

What a F.U.N day with my girl. XXOO. I love you so much LOVEBUG