Day 3 would be a life changing, life preserving, life giving day. We gleefully left the hotel bright and early to arrive at Royal Gorge Rafting Adventures 30-minutes prior to departure. Now, we expected a 3-hour experience of water, fun, and adventure. Hmmmmmmm.

Ready to get our equipment on. And of course some Jesus; we were prayed up, baby!
Since it would be cold water, Tot and I opted for a wetsuit. Cute? Not so much. Warm. So much. The booties were a bonus.

How we lookin’?

The bus took us to the beginning of our voyage; we had one other family with us. (a perfect match…mom, dad, and kiddo about 6). Alex was our guide.

This guy was in training, and he would come as an important key to our journey.

Daddy and I sat up front with Tot in the middle. She was having a blast in our first few rapids. They came upon us pretty quickly and we all got so wet. Here the come! (Tot’s in the blue). Mommy is on her right and Daddy on her left.

Then. Shark! …the SHARK ate my family.
Well, not really. The Shark Tooth Rapids. YIKES.
We lost the guy behind me in one of the big rapids. He fell out which threw the boat off balance, and then Daddy fell out. Guess who was next???

Those two heads under our raft are Daddy and TOT!

I’m freaking out because I still need to control the boat with the other mom, but I’m more worried about my loves!
Daddy has the TOT! He’s saving her.

Then, it was key that Alex would get a hold of Tot, and luckily the guy in training grabbed Daddy. Amidst the rocks, cold water, and fear alone, they were completely shaken!!!

All are safe now. We get Daddy back on our boat, and continue to oar forward!

Tot is so cold and wanting to go home. I know she’ll remember this forever, but at this point, she is frightened. Daddy is shook up as well.
I’m SO grateful they are safe and unharmed. A few scratches, but truly a white knuckling on the whitewater.
When you fall in, you get to sign the bus. By the way, it is covered with a plethora of names. We are not alone!

Ah..he loves me. I love you too, Daddy. YOU TWO ARE MY LOVES.
Later, after catching our breath, we headed to the Royal Gorge to look down the bridge. We couldn’t get in, but we caught a glimpse. AMAZING!

The car trip home, Tot fell asleep, and when we arrived at the hotel, she was ready to swim in their pool. Recovered. Almost.

We came together again at dinner with our gratitudes. Here are mine.

What a day. I think it brought Daddy and Tot to a new level of closeness.
At least they had some war wounds to act as reminders of love, loyalty and LIFE!

ME? MORE gratitude.
Tot? Her happy self.

Tomorrow? BOULDER!