Our monthly tradition. Second Monday of the month, I try to gussie up the dinner and make something delicious! We come together for our ideas, and this month did not disappoint.
We started out going on a mini field trip to the backyard. Daddy shared his plans of making an outdoor kitchen. He drew it up and showed us his plans. MAN, he is so talented and so creative! He could easily be an architect. He’s ours at least. WINK WINK.

Then we came in to our salmon and fingerling dinner. The plates gave it the fancy feel, you think?

They look excited to partake.

Since Daddy shared already, (his idea counted for more than one!) Tot was next. She shared some robot building ideas. Very animated I might add.

I will get further instruction on what this all means later. I must know.
I do like the trip ideas! Either way, she is constantly thinking of inventions and creative ways of doing things.
Me…well, I wanted to just reflect on how we are doing on our ideas! Each month, we are implementing a few of them, and for this I am grateful.
I also had a few other ideas:
Summer…I discussed more serving ideas; I want to revisit our prayer box; recipe ideas?; family craft day, and perhaps a few trips in our future.

Mine were not as flowery this month, but I’m all about making our family more connected. That is so fun for me!
Another Idea night success! Until June, let’s see what we implement. I love you, Hays!