This phrase was coined when Neil Armstrong landed the Eagle Lunar on the moon in 1969. Well, it was symbolic of our day today. Doug went out on a bike ride on Tot’s 1/2 birthday, and this is what he saw.
This regal bird represents so much as did this day. He sits atop this pole watching and waiting. His presence is like our Father; His presence being majestic and protective. When the eagle landed there, he brought with him a reminder of what HE (the LORD) brought me; This remarkable Tatum Tot 8.5 years ago. Ah. Yes, what a gift.
She played in the morning in her room; her classroom, I should say. Now, Tatum’s imagination is quite expressive and inspiring. She turned some pictures into a classroom once again, putting them as tents.
She’s teaching them from the Bible.
What. a. girl.
Then, later, we had a little fun with a game, and we gave her a little reminder of how much we love her.
She will always have an inner puppy I foresee! And these little earrings represent the circle of HIS love. It is NEVER ENDING, my sweet girl.
May you know, like this eagle perched atop this pole, that HE never leaves you nor forsakes you.
Neil Montgomery, pastor at SBC, married us. He performed Doug and Tot’s Baptism. Neil and my honey have been meeting on and off for years, and he knows our story. He’s also a crack up; a lover of Jesus, and a just all around GREAT guy. Karen? She is his lovely, and I mean lovely, funny, wise, and wonderful, wife who runs the children’s ministry at SBC. Tot and Karen hit it off from the beginning, and it just so happens she is Neil’s other half, so it all was a perfect opportunity to give back and make them feel loved. How else? With dinner of course!
Tatum made some place cards for them
Table is set!
And they arrived! We showed them around and they enjoyed Coopy. He made them feel very welcome.
As we gave them the tour, it came to Neil’s attention that he was memorialized on our wall and in Tatum’s panel display for school; THREE PLACES! SO funny that Neil is part of our daily lives.
Gallery wall:
Tot’s board:
He loved it. (I think?)
It was finally time to put the food out. I made taco bar, healthy style.
And then from there, the night just got more fun. We learned about how they met, and we found their hearts were even more sweet and warm than you would even know. They asked us a bazillion questions as well. It was a nice night or fun and…..then….
Tot get them all sillied up! I think they were wishing they had daughters after this night. (??) We were all having a nice conversation, and Tot and Karen disappeared. They then reappeared in the back of Neil’s head.
Then Daddy. Oh dear.
Then, they disappeared again after much rejoicing.
Is there something on your head?
But there is something on your lap, Neil.
And he plays music! What else does he do?
He’s a licker and a lover; it’s what Coopy does best; I think he likes it. I mean the dog? Or Neil?
I think Karen is jealous.
The evening went downhill from there in terms of sheer silliness.
Honestly, we had a great evening. The next day, Karen and I compared our famous cookies. We are hopefully going to have a bakeoff. Game on! Neil sent us the nicest email for thank you.
“If I don’t send the “thank you” card that I want and intend to send, can I just say “thank you” for a sweet evening with your precious family. Dinner was perfect. You are a great hostess. Doug is great dad and amazing home engineer…and Tatum melts our hearts…so fun and full of life. So…thank you for a wonderful evening and for blessing our stomachs with food and our hearts with love. (hope that doesn’t sound overly cheesy). “
It all started with a sweet card from my honey. Right there at my mirror and sink. THEN, the TOT surprised me with her card. OH the joy of being loved by two of my favorites.
What more is to come? Well, first, the kiddo wants to reach her reading goal, so she is constantly reading! In the car…in bed…at the kitchen counter.
The beauty of the day was I didn’t have to cook! Nope. I would have my dear mama come over and we’d play board games, gifts, and Chik-Fil-A. That is a deal!
Mama came over and we played some EXPLODING KITTENS. I exploded first round, so I helped Tot. Daddy ended up winning as usual. THEN….we did some gifts. But first, Coopy needed a hug.
He needed to give me his card. WOOF!
And the TOT? She just needed to be her cute self.
OK, one more.
Mom gave me an amazing card that she created herself. I couldn’t stop kissing it!
She is so creative! My HHH spoiled me with this adorable card!
We will celebrate later with a staycation WINK WINK. (Thanks MAMA!)
The Tot? Oh the Tot. This card!
What she wrote? OH MY! I’m her “Pearmama” HEEHEE
Gotta love the lack of spaces. Changes the whole meaning! I’m her best friend. (someday, I hope to be; now, I’m honored to be her mommy)> AND I marred the best dad. Lucky guy, me “marring” him and all.
AND…OH, dear. I am asked to go love a bull. That is a wonderful request. (Little does she know I’m a Taurus).
Tot, you made my day.
And, you are going to kill me! Black and white? This little horse is so delightful though.
Family, I felt so loved. SOOO Loved. I love you MAMA, HHH, and TOT. You truly make me feel like a queen.
Mama graciously watched Tot which is a win all around. Mama gets to be loved on by Tatum; Tatum gets to love on Mama and eat her delicious food. My honey and I get to be together for a few hours. We decided to stay in and have dinner and other. Wink wink.
I’m making dinner and I hear a huge THUMP against the window. I’m wondering what the noise is so I send Tot over to peak outside the window and she sees…..
WHAT!? We both were devastated. He looked like he was still breathing, but we weren’t sure how hurt he was.
I went back to making dinner while Tot sat with him. She wanted to bring him inside, but I said she would have to nurse him in the outdoors.
So, she brought him some crackers and spoke kind, healing words to him.
About every ten minutes, she checked on him, and low and behold, about three hours later….
He seemed to be getting better and next thing you know it….
He flew the coop or our patio so to speak; right in front of Tatum’s eyes. She felt so grateful that she had loved on him. I do believe she saved his life.
Later, we looked him up in our bird book.
Perhaps a house finch?
Whatever you were, little guy, we are glad you are aerial again!