He is Risen 2021

We went to church on Saturday this year! Why? Well, last year, the whole world shut down due to Covid fears, and so this year, we anticipated a huge turnout at church. Pastor Jamie asked us regulars to come Saturday to keep plenty of seats available for the Sunday crowd. WOW, the service did not disappoint! It was lively, upbeat, and FILLED with hope! So wonderful.

Such a lovely family!

More pics with Bumby!

And look how beautiful my mom looks!

Sunday morning, after I hid the Easter eggs (I had to take pics of them so I wouldn’t forget where I hid them…Cooper had to help me).

My honey, Tot, and I went on a little walk down to our “ocean.” Ducks were alive today of course celebrating the Resurrection, but unfortunately with the wrong end rising up. Mooning us like crazy!

But they were full of joy, and that made us laugh!

Mama showed, and she brought a surprise (or two!) for Tot. Look at this shirt!
This was my shirt when I was her age.

Mama, you are full of surprises (and Lego toys!)

I made a full spread of honey baked ham, hot cross buns, fruit, and deviled eggs. All tweaked a bit so they were healthy and tasty.

Oh, and did I mention, Tot found all of the …….

EGGS! (thank goodness she found them. I had forgotten, but Cooper didn’t forget).


We enjoyed our breakfast and talking about HOPE!

Resurrection Eggs were next. I do this every year with the family. She did it in school this year, and I loved that there was a verse for each egg.

We do this story every year from Benjamin’s Box book. I love doing this because it keeps the story of the Resurrection front and center, especially with the final egg (the white one) being empty!

I then read the THREE TREES (my favorite book) about the fate of plain old tree wood becoming useful for a KING.

The day was so relaxing. We went to the pool later since it was about 99 degrees today! We finished the day out with a good dinner, but FIRST, a little Exploding Kittens. I exploded early, so it was a duel to the death for Daddy and Tot.

Tot has a plan…..

Sadly, it didn’t work AGAIN. Daddy is just way to sly. He won. A.G.A.I.N. aye!

The guilt must have been strong because he showed up to our dinner with some sweet cards.

Honey! You are so full of surprises!! I love this, and I’m pokey for you too, HHH.

Tot.. You are so loved!!!

Thank you, Daddy!!!!

What a wonderful Resurrection day; May we be reminded daily of His ultimate sacrifice.

I love you, Family. I love you, Jesus.

4-3-21 The Final Countdown and HOPE!

It’s the Saturday before Easter. Saturday. The waiting. The joy is in the anticipation and the HOPE.

Hope in someone to play with me.

Hope that my timeout will end soon.

Hope that I can have a few quiet moments.

Hope that you’ll drop some food?

Hope that you will read to me.

Or you’ll take me outside?

We should never give up HOPE.

But, let’s never forget this:
Hope in HIM.

He which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus . . . 
—2 Corinthians 4:14

The resurrection of Christ brings hope.

I heard this quote once: “What oxygen is for the lungs, such is hope for the meaning of human life.” (Emil Brunner).

All is forgiven the day Christ gave His life. We can have joy, peace, and security! There is hope for a new heaven and a new earth, and that the Kingdom of God will reign forever and every. AMEN.

Let’s never stop having hope!

Celebrate 3rd Quarter 2nd Grade!

It’s not surprising that Tatum got straight A’s again; However, we like to look at certain grades more closely. For example, I look at her improvement in handwriting. I know…it’s not that big of a deal, but since she has struggled in the past with it, improvement is always nice.

ALSO, character. Yes. Character, social skills, and behavior. This is what we look at with a fine tooth comb. Why? Because this is what she is like with authority outside of our family. How does she treat others? How does she deal with authoritative figures?

We were very pleased.

OH, and A/R? Reading? Just so very happy!! 1st place in A/R points.

We decided to celebrate at our favorite ice cream place. Now, we are ALWAYS looking for a reason to have a hot fudge sundae. Easy peasy decision this time!

Cutest card ever.

She wanted her hot fudge on the side, and she asked for sprinkles.

Now, do you think she ate every single one of those bazillion sprinkles?

One would think that the ice cream and hot fudge would be the winner, but no. She really spooned those colorful edibles into her mouth.

It was worth every bite, and she is worth so much more. I love you, Tot. Good grades or not, you are the daughter of a KING.