Family Devotion Every Wednesday Evening

We are on the 14th week. Yes, after dinner every Wednesday, we have a lovely discussion. Here is the book we use.

It’s a fun book that engages all ages and has stories to support the memory verse of the week.

Now, Tatum and I have memorized about 100 verses which we still do weekly, but this book has a verse a week for the family to memorize. So, we now just finished week 14. Go Daddy!

Tatum leads us in our recitation. Also, this week, the verse was Phil 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The activity was to draw something we’d like to accomplish. Tatum drew this:

Oh, be still my heart. She’ll be an amazing teacher.

We have some rich discussions each week (well, most weeks), and if anything, we are loving more (each other and Jesus), learning more (about each other and Jesus), and communing more (with each other and Jesus). That is never a waste of time.

I love you family.

Midterms; WOW! Look at those A+’s

This is one of those should I celebrate this or not blogs. You see, we try not to celebrate those perfect scores too much because we don’t want that ever to trump her Godly character growth. BUT, she has really been trying in two areas:

Handwriting and Math.

Her attitude is what I want to celebrate here. In the past, Tatum would wince a bit about her writing and would not apply herself. But, I’ve seen a change. THIS is what I want to stress. Not giving up and truly applying her heart, she has worked hard at not allowing the enemy to tell her she cannot do it. SHE CAN. Same with Math. Take this assessment she just completed:

Just last week, her homework included these problems. She missed them on her homeward, and then we worked on them at home. She applied herself and did it!

Anyway, I’m proud of your efforts, Little Tot.

Happy Birthday Carley!

They were asked to dress up like a princess. Well, that is not hard for my little cherub. She picked out her dress (from her LOVE day July 9th). And, oh…what a sight to see.

She didn’t have a tiara, but was told when she got there, they’d give her one.

Selah was there early, so they posed.

Then, the princess of the day came: CARLEY!

Carley and Tot have known each other since Ms. V’s class at Paradise For Tots (they were both 4 and in Kinder). They go way back, and we just adore her.

The girls arrived, and they started out at the pink table all princessed out.

Teagan, Sophia, Isabel and Maddy all came too. Tatum looked so darn cute!

I noticed how mature Tatum acted the whole party. She has this way about’s an inner beauty and a kindness that I got to watch behind the scenes. (she didn’t know I was watching her).

Later, they retired to the outdoors for games. A little freeze dance.

And kiss the frog. Tot kissed the grass. (better than a green frog!)

Each game (there were about seven) Tatum would get at the end of the line. I love that about her. Never trying to be first, allowing others to be ahead of her.

How beautiful are these girls? They will be friends for life. I love each of their hearts.

They went in for cake and posed again.

Happy Birthday Carley!

On the way home, Tot played with her braids . Definitely ready for long hair.

Cooper too.

Tot, you are truly a princess inside and out. You don’t need a tiara because you are already HIS girl. That is what makes you so beautiful. Your heart: kind, meek, loving, and strong. All of these fruits will continue to grow and become even more juicy. You just keep being YOU and remember HOW deeply you are loved and adored by HIM and by us.

Thank you, Carley, for lovely memories at your party. Your friendship is a lifetime one.

Pre-Birthday fun, Wolf style

Veteran’s Day. A day of to remember our heroes. Thank you, Veteran’s, for protecting and defending our country.

I wanted to surprise Tot and Daddy with some fun for the day off and for a pre-birthday surprise. Great Wolf Lodge moved in to Scottsdale last year, and we have been dying to go! The indoor water park sold us! I had an opportunity to buy a deal for an overnight, so I jumped on it.

The morning started with Tatum doing her homework which isn’t due until next week, but she wanted to get it done.

Happy FALL! (finally it’s getting cold here)

At 12:45,

we left for the lodge. (she had no idea where we were going). When we arrived, Tatum was overjoyed!!! (I had all the bags packed and her school clothes for the next day).

We got our ears and waited in the line to check in. Look at these two.

They had our room ready early so we could change into our suits! This is great!

Oh, how cute the room is! Like a real lodge. And the little soaps? Sheesh. CCUUTTEE.

We finally got down to the waterpark, and we finally entered the NO MASK zone. Hooray!! it was like a sub-society of rebels. Nobody really minded any sign of 6-feet or social distancing.

See that big bucket at the top of the water contraption? It DUMPS on you when you least expect it. Speaking from experience here.

Ok, so we found the HUGE water slide that even goes outside because it’s so monstrous. We climbed the five floors to get there, entered our family raft, and KABOOM! Down down down around around around we went. It was tremendously fun.

Then, Tatum discovered the waves. Oh, just like CA but without the sand…well, and the sun and the sharks. You know..

A few other climby, ropey, obstacley things for Tot.

Whoops! See the foot?

Ok, back up again for more. And more it was. Three more hours. Doug and I played a bit with her, and we really just snuggled on the side and watched. Tot was in water heaven.
Later, we headed to our room, had dinner, played a game, read and collapsed. Truly a fun day and night.

School in the morning.

Thank you, Veterans for your service. Thank you GW Lodge for your fun.

Tatum’s repentant heart

It’s always amazing to see how your child is growing up and developing. To watch Tatum mature and handle her own problems is quite rewarding. The Holy Spirit is strong in this girl. (and I’m not the only one who sees it).

I picked up Tatum for school on Monday, and Mrs. Phillips stopped me to chat. She wanted to share that Tatum had a tough afternoon. Apparently, Tatum went to the bathroom with a buddy, and played hide and go seek (hid in the stall). Mrs. Phillips was very disappointed in her choices (including her choice of a buddy to accompany her to the bathroom). (they always have to have a buddy to accompany them and she chose a friend who is not the best influence on her).

Tatum could not stop crying telling me the story. She said she had so much guilt. We had to go directly to swimming class, so she had to hold it in. While at swimming class, I emailed Mrs. Phillips:

Well I got the whole story in between cries. She admitted playing at the not so optimal time  and also choosing not the right partner to accompany her. 

She kept saying how guilty she feels. We prayed in the car so she could clear with God. She asked me to take away her iPad time tonight. That is a sign she feels awful. 

We will discuss this as a family. Again I thank you for your leading and coaching in her life.  I pray you have a nice evening.

Now, within ten minutes, she responded.

“Steph, It hurt me more than it hurt her! Please tell her that I am proud of her for admitting the truth. I want you to know that when I confronted her she admitted it right away. One thing I love about Tatum is she is trustworthy. I can always count on her to be honest with me. I am also glad to see that she came up with her own consequence. That lets me know that she is taking responsibility for her actions. Thank you for letting me know, I really appreciate it. I will be praying for her tonight. I know that this was a hard lesson for her and I am sure that she won’t repeat it. Please tell her that I care for her and only want the best for her. Thank you for all of your support. Blessings, Mrs. Phillips

When we got home, Tatum did her homework, then she went right to her desk while I made dinner. She usually draws pictures, but she was busy writing. At dinner, she couldn’t wait to read it to us.

Doug and I were amazed by this because it was so heartfelt. She usually doesn’t write this many words! (and we had nothing to do with this…it was all her).
She included a bag with a little red bull stuffy in it.

She cares about relationship. She cares about being a light in the classroom. As a mommy, this is what you pray for…that your child gets what you’ve been teaching her!

I love her heart and her desire to follow Jesus. To be a light as her verse Matthew 5:16 says…Let your light shine! I love you, Tatum. I’m proud of you and your heart. May you continue to make good choices and let your light shine.