About 12 years ago, I joined a group of Dennis Prager fans here in AZ. We called ourselves Pragerzona. There are Prager groups all over the country. I find that if you are a fan of Prager, you’d be a fan of mine. Plus, it would be a great way to meet others. Now, this was way back when I was single and a Prager talk junkie (still kind of am!), but now being married and with the Tot, I haven’t been as involved.
Well, a meeting was to take place this Saturday, and I figured I’d bring Tatum. We are all gearing up for the 2020 Presidential election (of Trump, Lord willing!) We would meet to celebrate the coming up election and share a bit.
There was only about 20 of us, but they are all lovely people who love God, country, and Prager!
Tot and I arrived right on time.

We were NOT required to wear masks (due to the C-virus), and NOBODY sported one. Halleluia! At the doorway, was this sign. LOVE IT!!!

We are grateful to be there! (and Tot loved the snacks)

We were warmly welcomed, and Josh, our host, started. He shared a few slides.
Since 2018, Prager University has gone from 1 billion views to over 4 billion. That is remarkable. I pray that Tot can start watching some of these 5-minute videos soon. They teach all she’ll need to know about love of country (and many other social issues).

Then he shared a few other whoppers. This quarantine/shutdown is the real issue. WOW. Look at the REAL fallout. Not from the c-virus but from the effect of the shutdown. Heartbreaking.

Then, some TRUE facts about the police. Yes, black lives matter, but so do all other lives. The BLM movement was all started on a false premise. Heartbreaking. Truth. Where is it in our media!!!!??

SO, we vote on the RIGHT because it is the ONLY way. What we stand for:
(Vs the Leftist agenda. ….love this picture since the other side is truly just full of bullies).

We went around to introduce ourselves, our profession, passion, and favorite quote from Prager. (He has a plethora of truisms he shares). I said that my favorite was “Clarity over agreement,” and discussed that this is needed in our world so we can have civil discussions. Tatum shared about her profession being in 2nd grade and that she loves the Happiness Hour. I am indoctrinating her young! heehee. One that she remembers is “Gratitude is the key to happiness.” This is one of my favorites.
What a great time!
We support Trump. We support TRUTH. We support GOD first, FAMILY second, and the U.S.A. Let Freedom Ring.