Tatum’s new birth certificate came in the mail. Officially, she is Tatum Isabella Hay.

The timing was perfect because we just picked up the plate she made him at As You Wish.

Dinner will now taste so much better! We love you, Daddy. XXOO
Living an Intentional Life
Tatum’s new birth certificate came in the mail. Officially, she is Tatum Isabella Hay.
The timing was perfect because we just picked up the plate she made him at As You Wish.
Dinner will now taste so much better! We love you, Daddy. XXOO
The Tot. She has a fast hand. She loves to write, and sometimes, she can write in a way that….well, it just isn’t her best. She has it in her, and she C.A.N! It’s a choice.
So, you can imagine when she got her Spelling test back, I did the happy dance. I do the happy dance weekly when she gets an A, but this time, 100% across the board, handwriting included. Proud Mommy of my 2nd grader.
Keep it up, Taties! XXOO
We have to say goodbye to the Cordova!
But it’s not forever. We will take you with us home. We’ll take the joy, the memories, the peace we felt..
Daddy did it! He got us off at 8am, and oh, it’s Sunday, so we won’t have the San Diego commute traffic.
Look at that sun!
We finished (one chapter left) of the Trumpet Swan! We also listened to the sermon, many podcasts, and some TobyMac (of course, what else is there!?)
Tot drew some fun pics.
Our trip was almost perfect. Probably one of the best Hay trips ever.
Thank you, honey, for making it comfortable. Thank you, Tot, for being YOU.
May we continue to grow as a family and make many special memories.
Another beautiful day to walk down for a stroll on the beach. It was much sunnier this morning and much warmer. But we still bundled up.
We made Tatum promise she won’t get wet this morning especially since she is wearing pants.
I promise. (Daddy videod her response).
The sand dollars just amaze me. Look how perfectly symmetrical they are. God, you are so amazing.
After gathering a few more, Daddy and Tot held hands. Bestill my heart.
What is that noise?
Just a very loud military plane overhead. There is a naval base just down the way.
We headed back to the bagel line, and Tatum just couldn’t wait for her bagelwich. She was beaming with joy!
We are now ready for our bike ride! We had to go down to the ferry to rent our bikes;
Tot, you look ready!
We travelled around the island, and then weaved through the homes. Remarkable.
Eight miles later, exhausted (GO TOT!!!), we returned our bikes.
Hot and tired, it was now time for some lunch. We welcomed Panera because they actually let us eat inside. (in CA, there is not many places that have indoor dining).
Tot got busy drawing us some pictures.
A family. My kind of drawing.
Her drawings make me smile. We all had so much fun together.
When we got back to the room, Tatum had some homework to do, but we were so spent!
Daddy especially. I didn’t want to wake him! He looked so peaceful.
We are all getting ready to get back home. Tomorrow (Sunday), we depart. We are hoping by 8am so we can get back to Scottsdale early. (School is Monday!)
A good night’s sleep and a day ready for some oceanic pleasures. But first, we needed to celebrate our dinner last night: Laughing, kindness, and thinking of others. Daddy, you do the honors. (*PLOP!*)
Now we are ready for a walk down to the beach for a nice walk and some shell collection.
We are all bundled up for the foggy morning. This is my favorite part of the day!
Also, just look at the foliage. God’s creation is so colorful.
The Del. I’ve been crowned. I’m so happy, water is erupting from my head.
We arrive to the sand, Tot removes her flippies, and runs runs runs. She is like glue to the water.
In her happy place. (mine too, BTW!)
After sauntering along the edge of the water line for an hour or so and some fine shell collection (it’s always a “oh, look at this one!! completely perfect and unique”), we headed to the long line at Breuggers Bagels. Deliciously filing brekkie to energize us for the day!
We head down to the beach which wasn’t very busy since we missed the Labor Day holiday (it’s the Friday of the week after Labor Day). Honey had bought a wonderful beach cart which makes going down to the sand pleasant. We bring a bevy of toys and comfort needs. Doug would have been a supreme Boy Scout because he is Mr. Prepared! (love this!)
All settled. Now where is Tot!? Frolicking in the water already. The cold water was a non-issue.
We had fun posing for Daddy.
I always dress us in uber-covering for our body. The sun, even in the fog, is quite strong.
Ok, Tot. I’m getting warmed up for the water.
She is saying, “Let’s GO!” I’m almost ready.
I figured the only way she would Boogie Board is if I show her how it’s done. Time to suck it up and get in!
Now, your turn!! I got her set up and told her to wait for the wave to come. Now ride it in. You GOT THIS!
I wanna go again!
Ok, Daddy first. He is ready to go. Shirt removed, and he’s raring to go!
Yay honey!
We spent more time making sand castles and moats. The tide is coming!
Tatum decided we needed wet sand, so she fetched some the slow way because its’ more fun that way! Daddy and I had fun scooping and building.
After frisbee, playing and enough sun, we headed home.
Tatum had some homework to finish, so we worked on her food group project. I also had to do my GCU work.
Such a full fun day. After a game, we had our Chipotle dinner, read some books, and fell asleep! Tomorrow, we have another full day planned!
The beach is always calling our name. The call was piercingly loud this year due to the fact that we did not go last year, 2019. We had been visiting Coronado Beach starting when Tot was 3. (Doug and I were just dating then).
We went when she was 4 and 5. Now that she is 7 and that we are a family now, it was time to return. Plus, now we can get only one room which is much less money. We decided to stay at El Cordova. This was Tot back when she was 3. Oh, bestill my heart.
Ok, back to 2020. My honey got us all packed up. The back of the Mercedes became one big puzzle palette. Daddy? How?
By 9am, the goal, he had us all ready to go! Daddy, you ROCK!
Oh, but yes, we had to take Coopy to the Doggie resort. He was sure aware of this all morning as he whined constantly.
After a prayer for safety for our family (and other prayers), we were off!
The car ride was a bevy of surprises I had planned. As usual, I had Tot’s backpack filled with car-friendly toys. I am a big believer in real toys in a car vs. screens. (well, that’s my rule all the time but especially in the car). I packed her backpack full of drawing materials, etch-a-sketch type toys, hangman games, polly pockets….all kinds of fun. Plus, we had The Trumpet Swan on Audible. (Tot and I had just read this wonderful novel by E.B. White). Podcasts always keep us going too.
Then, it was lunchtime. Oh, yeah. We are in CA. There is no eating indoors due to the C-virus. We arrived in El Centro for lunch at Subway.
Eating salads in the car is no bueno; tasty but no fun.
Tatum was happy as a clam.
Around 3:30, we arrived in Coronado; our El Cordova hotel was waiting for us.
Tatum took our pic. The first time she could do this for us in CA.
Let’s head to the room and go to the beach! Go honey! (it looks like we are moving in with the amount of luggage).
There have been many wildfires, so the sun has been amazing! It looked like a big red ball in the sky.
We then headed to the beach to check it out (no mask needed BTW)…OH HOORAY it’s still there.
And the key was telling Tatum not to get too wet. Based on experience, when we go clothed, she finds ways to immerse herself in the water, and then OOPS, she falls into the sand and the sand is pasted to her body. We’ll see how it goes.
We ended up going to Chipotle for dinner since our favorite Mexican cafe was gone.
Also, we decided to do some incentives for good behavior for ALL of us.
We included FTO (first time obedience), Gratitude attitude, Kindness toward each other, STP (stop think and pray), and making things FUN!
Tot got the first coins for truly exhibiting gratitude and kindness on the road and on our arrival. We can’t wait to go tomorrow!
We have not had an official HH meeting in quite a while. It was time for some teaching, blessings/prayers, and some discussion.
I created the agenda:
And off we went: Mission statement:
our verse (1Thess 5:15: “but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. “
And prayer.
Then, we added to our Blessing and Prayer box. Daddy’s cards:
My cards:
Tot’s cards.
She numbered her’s: (6: oxygen, 7: nature).
I love her’s: 1. Austin’s Heart for God to grow; 2: Me and God’s relationship to grow. 3. Mama’s health; 4. Covid to die; 5. Cooler days. AMEN!!!
We shared and then it was teaching time; Tatum wanted to be in charge today. Then she would sing for us.
Tatum shared on Faith and Obedience.
Quoting from 1 Samuel about Hannah praying for a son.
We did have to have a timer because she just gets so enthusiastic about Jesus.
What a great meeting. We ended with our goals for our trip to CA next week. Stay tuned for more on that.
I love you, Hay family.