It’s a Friday at the Hay School. Yes, we are into the fifth (or sixth? I’ve lost track) week of the quarantine and home school. I actually love it because we do a bit extra every day, and we make if fun!
This particular morning, I made the usual muffin for Daddy and put it to go. He goes to visit Monty every morning at the McCormick house because he misses him after 12 hours. HAHAHA. No, for reals, he needs to go check on the work every day. It’s vital that he’s there, and the fact that he gets to do this (and not sacrifice his Honeywell work) is another blessing. Well, Tatum made him a little gum purse so he could carry it with him. (She knows this is his favorite kind of gum). Love her heart.

We started school as usual. I put up a white board every day with the daily work.
Here is Friday! Lots of celebrations today. (we don’t call them tests).

Tatum worked on some fun math today where she had to build cars. (She’s learning multiplication). Four wheels on five cars. We used bears for the wheels and note cards for the body.

Spelling test CELEBRATION today! I was celebrating with this beautiful penmanship.

She also is spotting prepositional phrases all around. Yes, having an English teacher as a mommy is a bonus because I’m dancing when she’s diagramming those pesky long sentences. She found this board books in her room and spotted those preps right away! “Where is baby’s mouth? Behind the cup…BEHIND, mommy!”
Later in the day, she wanted to have a concert for us. She’s always singing and dancing…always.
Time to set up the Hay Studio.

She made us bracelets to wear as well.

I’m still wearing it!
So grateful for my family and this time together in the Hay School and Studio.