Coopy was sick today

This was him yesterday. All bright-eyed and cuddly with us as we read. This is often the way he is!

But he threw up around 4am, and then in the morning, he seemed quite pensive and listless.

Kind of like our flowers that I just bought on SATURDAY (argh!!! %%$#@&)

He just wanted to hide. I saw his little nose peering out from the curtain as we did our schoolwork.

He then wanted to climb onto my lap; he just wanted to be held.

I had to really help Tatum with her math, so he gave up and went back behind the curtain.

Coopy…are you OK?

He just wasn’t himself today. I think he got my stomach bug!
Sweet boy, feel better tomorrow.

A drive-by birthday party

We are in different times with the quarantine. It calls for creativity. Tatum’s little friend Hayden turned seven today. His mom set it up that a caravan of cars would line up (decorated and signs made). Then, Hayden would walk out onto the lawn as we drive by honking and making all sorts of racket for him.

Here we go!

I love it! Hayden was so happy! Shortest birthday party ever.

Quarantine means 40. Hmmmmm

I got this in an email from my sweet mom. I had to document it for the blog so we wouldn’t forget it, and so we could be reflective about this period. I have found this to be the best thing that could have happened to us and for our country.

Before I share the email, here are a few benefits:

Doug is home and able to work on our McCormick home; if he was in Chandler, he wouldn’t have this freedom.

The three of us get to play a game almost daily and spend so much more family time.

Tatum is learning more in school and I get the benefit of learning with her. Our relationship has grown immensely.

The heat early in Arizona is killing the virus. It never is 100 in April, but now it is!

Daddy and Tatum are truly bonding!

Coopy gets us FULL TIME!

Tatum is maturing and growing in her responses.

These are just a few. Now, see what was sent to me. I love this:

“The Latin root of the word “quarantine” is “forty”.

So what does the Bible say about 40?

The flood lasted 40 days.

40 years Moses fled Egypt.

40 days Moses stayed on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments.

Exodus lasted 40 years.

Jesus fasted for 40 days.

Lent is 40 days.

40 days for a woman to rest after giving birth.

40 days after Jesus Resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven!

A group of theologians thinks the number 40 represents “changeā€. It is the time of preparing a person, or people, to make a fundamental change.

Something will happen after these 40 days. Just believe and pray. Remember, whenever the number 40 appears in the Bible, there is a “change”.

Please know that during this “quarantine” rivers are cleaning up, vegetation is growing, the air is becoming cleaner because of less pollution, there is less theft and murder, healing is happening, and most importantly, people are turning to Christ. The Earth is at rest for the first time in many years and hearts are truly transforming.

So, during this time, enjoy it with your loved ones and return to the family altar together. Family prayer is a great blessing. Through prayer you will see the changes God can work in you and in your home. Christ promises us that everything works together for the good for those who love God: Romans 8:28!

Remember we are in the year 2020, and 20 + 20 = 40.

Also, 2020 is the year of the United States Census. Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, was born during a census.

Lastly, 2020 is perfect vision. May our sight focus on the Lord and living according to His perfect vision for us knowing He holds us in the palm of His hand.

May these days of “quarantine” bring spiritual liberation to our souls, our nation, and our world.

The best is yet to come. 
Trust in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!”


It’s a lot more often right now since we are home all the time, but at night, he gets all the love.

The three of us like to throw the ball for him, and Cooper thinks he’s an All-Star, constantly running and catching.

Tatum sets it up. Cooper is ready. Ready. Steady…..steady, boy…


Ok, Daddy, throw it…now. NOW!!

Cooper looks for refuge after getting tired, and he comes to the Mommy, hiding under her leg. It’s a happy place.

Action with Daddy and Tot and rest with Mommy. It’s a tough life.

Cooper-time is happy time.

We are full of art and heart

Daddy and Tatum enjoy their mornings now that Daddy doesn’t have to run off so quickly. The Coronavirus’ silver lining is more time together, and I L.O.V.E all the fruit this is producing.

I mean c’mon, wouldn’t you say that Daddy is getting more talented by the day?

I think it’s Tatum’s influence on him; it’s oozing onto him.

Tatum continues to draw pictures but with a purpose.

This was for Mrs. Finnman (we like to put a card in her week’s work folder to turn in on Friday’s)

And we sent one to her other teachers via email.

A little homophone hiccup never hurt anyone!

Our rock is the Lord, and Hay’s will continue to fight the good fight and LOVE with our whole hearts.


Squaw Peak Sunday

Church was enjoyed on Saturday night so we had more options on Sunday. Now, I was not at my best on Sunday. In fact, I had a slight fever and terrible stomach upset, but I really wanted to have a fun family time with what we had planned to do.

Tatum and Daddy have been enjoying finding unique rocks AND Kelly, my cousin, gave Tatum an outdoor box to collect things she finds on outings. Especially birds!! (my personal favorite outing).

The first thing we did was drive up to my old house. This house is where I lived from about 6 months old until I was about 3 1/2. I remember it being black and plain. Now look at it! They have added on a garage at the end and that humongous rock is still out front.

Later, we got the park and there were so many others with the same idea: Get outside, get some exercise, and get some tastes of God’s creation.

We collected part of one of the trees we found. I’m not sure of the name. Collected, noted and put in the box.

Now the fun rocks! This one looks like it’s part of a meteor, so of course, Doug picked it up.

I noticed this huge rock which had some orange pigmentation.

Here’s the other side:

And Tatum found some quartz.

We spotted a little ground squirrel as we left the park.

And sadly not really any birds were spotted. I still had a great time, although I really felt awful.

I love spending time with my family on our adventures.