And so we did!
Do you think it will be enjoyed?
I’m sure whoever gets it will love wearing it.

The 12 Days have ended. I only hope the joy of giving and serving becomes a habit every day.
Next year, we’ll do it again!
Living an Intentional Life
And so we did!
Do you think it will be enjoyed?
I’m sure whoever gets it will love wearing it.
The 12 Days have ended. I only hope the joy of giving and serving becomes a habit every day.
Next year, we’ll do it again!
A few days before Christmas, Tatum spotted a singing Hippo at Fry’s Grocery Store. Upon pushing his paw, he belts out, “I wanna hippopotamus for Christmas.” She fixed her mind on it, not to be changed. I noticed the price to be $14.95, and I told her that the day after Christmas, it would be 1/2 that price. She was going to have to pay for it with her allowance, so if she waited, she’d save $7.50. Could she wait?
She reminded me every day that on Thursday morning, we’d head to Fry’s to buy that 1/2-priced singing hippo. Well, the day arrived, and when we got there, there was ONE left. The lady scanned it and guess what!? It was $7.49. She did a happy dance, and the hippo and Tatum were united. Her patience paid off.
And he’s been singing to us ever since. The brilliant toymaker allows one to click the button again and he shuts off. Hooray!
Later that day, I spotted her using TWO of her other Christmas gifts. She was doing a sermon to her kids. She was teaching them (on her new microphone) from the Bible and had them memorize part of one of the Gospels, Mark. She had them first memorize that there were 4 (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) all told from different points of view. It was so cute!
Her heart for Jesus and her patience (which is a fruit of HIM) shines through. I love watching her.
Tatum would sleep soundly all night, right? Well, she admitted she heard noises on the roof, but we are living in the condo, so it may have been our upstairs neighbors. Ha! Anyway, she awoke to a fully loaded tree.
It was a wet Christmas, so we listened to the rain pouring while she pined to open her first gift. I let her open up the gift from Coopy.
He sure knows his sister! This would suffice while we waited for Mom to come over. I also let her open up the plethora of gifts from Dolly, John, and Thomas. Wow! She was spoiled with lovely clothes. They have great taste.
She slimed while I cooked. Reindeer pumpkin pancakes, sausage, and fruit. (Mom brought over the most delicious berries! Thank you!!!)
We gobbled up the breakfast, and then we began.
Tatum opened up the gift that just keeps on giving and giving and giving…(srsly, she doesn’t stop singing)
Daddy got into it. Sing it, brotha!
She sang all morning as she opened up each gift.
She gave Mama a giraffe charm to match the card she made.
She had asked for a devotional and a smaller Bible.
Coopy got a GCU blanket. He’s officially a Lope now.
Tot and Daddy spoiled me with an ornament and some speakers. WOW!
We also got a board to write notes on; they light up so you just can’t miss the love note or reminder (hint hint).
We enjoyed more gift-giving and receiving until Austin came over. Cooper showed his affection. It’s what he does best.
Later, we would visit Doug’s mom. She looked so sparkly and festive.
Seeing Austin and Darlene smile makes me smile!
Later, we’d head to mom’s for a lovely salmon dinner. She spoiled Tot with clothes too! Wow, between my brother and my mom, she is clothed for years! Amazing taste also!!!
I can’t get enough of my little red-nosed chickadee.
After the delicious dinner, we tooted some horns and laughed and laughed. Each one of us had a number and had to toot when mom (the conductor) instructed us to toot!
We need to work on our timing. And our rhythm. And our tone. And really our hearing.
What a fun amazing day. We are so grateful for family. For Jesus. For the joy of giving.
Next year, we’ll be in our McCormick home for many new memories.
See you soon!
I loved spending the day getting ready for my first Christmas dinner at our house. Doug made a delightful turkey breast with gravy, and I made the rest.
We would pick up Mama for church and begin the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
When we got to church, Tatum ran up to Jamie ( our pastor) and Derek (our worship pastor). She has no problem going right up and sharing! They ate her up. She said, “I love watching you every Sunday. I’d rather watch you than go to the Kids’ Club.” They both remarked that is a good problem. High Five!
Tatum had a super cute shirt on given to her by John, Dolly and Tommy; it’s filled with lots of love.
Mama looked so pretty.
The service was beautiful ending with singing Silent Night. The whole place was lit up with candlelight. Magnificent and glorious. We took more pics after in front the trees.
I love how kind and giving everyone is at Christmas. So many offered to click click. We are pretty cute, all of us. (wink!)
Doug got the whole tree!
We headed home for a wonderful dinner!
Turkey, gravy, cauliflower mash, sweet potatoes, and salad. Simple table with some surprises under each plate.
Our first Christmas dinner! This year in the condo but next maybe in our new home. Either way, it’s special to all be together.
There’s my cute hubby.
We’d each share about the symbols of Christmas. The meaning of the candy cane, the three gifts, the wise men, Santa Claus, Christmas colors of red and green, and the Christmas tree.
I made snowballs for dessert with hot fudge. It was so great to share as a family!
Mama, we love you beyond belief!
The evening ended with Daddy reading The Night Before Christmas. We are now ready for Christmas!
He shall be born tomorrow! I love you, Family.
We have been going to visit the Scottsdale Police for a while now.
This was Day 11!
We seem to visit them often because the so appreciate us, and the police Chief, Alan G. Rodbell. has gotten to really love Tot.
We arrived with cookies in hand.
When we arrived, the whole office rejoiced. They even commented that Tatum needs her own parking spot when the time comes. They were so grateful, and again took our pic for their newsletter.
They couldn’t wait to give her this little present.
Wow!! SO grateful.
When we got in the car, she was beaming. So kind of them.
We’ll see you next year, policemen. Thank you for ALL YOU DO to PROTECT US.
When we got home, we noticed they posted a thank you to their Facebook page.
Often, I’ll be in the kitchen, and I will hear the greatest sound. It’s like music to my ears.
She is so empowered now that she can read. I love it!!!
We are grateful for Monty! He is our contractor and also friend. Doug and he have become buddies, and he has really made the remodel so smooth.
Tatum made him a card to send him her gratitude. He takes a lot of pressure of daddy.
Day 10 allowed us to love on someone else.
We thought and thought, and realized AUSTIN! He could use some cookies. We baked some of my famous chocolate chip cookies and will give them to him tomorrow. Tatum made him a little card to accompany them.
While she was at it, she made a surprise card for me. Just wow.
I love your smile too, bumby.
We are enjoying this 12 days! More to come tomorrow.