He had no idea.
I had it all planned for a couple months. Tot would stay over at Mama’s house, and Doug and I would have the house to ourselves for one night. Cooper was the only maybe hiccup in the plan, but he was fine with it! (ha!)
After dropping her off, I got home and surprised him with a card in the frig with two champagne flutes.

We tried to take a picture with a timer and well…this is where a sitter would have come in handy! Cooper of course got in on it.

After some fun, we played with Coopy for a while. Doug got him to drop the ball and play. Genius. (we have been working on this for a while so yeah honey!)
We tired him out which was the goal so we could have some fun without him interfering (wink wink).

In the morning, he tried to capture Doug’s glasses, and we figured he looked pretty snazzy in them. What do you think?

I went to pick up Tatum from Mom’s and they were in the kitchen building a gumdrop tree. They had a blast!

We were SOOOO grateful that she agreed to watch Tot.
Later that day, Tatum couldn’t wait to give Doug his presents. She had made him some cards.
The piece de resistance was this wallet. She had saved up for a while to buy it. A beautiful new wallet.

So much love for this amazing guy all around.
Honey, you are loved so very much. Cooper, Tot, Mama, and your HHW. We are so grateful for you and all you ARE; All you do for us; YOU MAKE ME SMILE AND MAKE ME A BETTER PERSON.
It just keeps getting better! XXOO