Formal Cooper must obey the orders. Yes, he is getting schooled right now each week by our trainer, Karen. She is doing 4 private lessons and then we’ll do 4 at the dog facility. Cooper is learning his heel, sit, down and place. Here he is learning to leave it when there are all these wonderful socks to chew!

He loves Ms. Karen because she always has treats.

Hooray for Cooper! We are practicing with him daily to be “down” when we pray, practice piano, and when we just need to have him chillin’.
The informal is a must with a puppy, right? He needs to be a kid and PLAY! Daddy needed him to chill the other night so he just dumped the plethora of toys on his place. It was truly Disneyland for puppy!

No, this one…

Or this one..

And then there’s the playing with Tatum’s setup here.

Ok, now he’s totally pooped out as we have our standoff for bed. Come and get me mommy!

And the saga continues tomorrow. We love you Coopy!