Gratitude pays off. What we need in this country

I just was on Facebook to send a message and saw the Scottsdale Police page.

WOW. They have a few likes from what Tot did. I’m not one to brag, but I want her to see this one day and see what GOODNESS does.

And look at the comments from people we don’t even know.

I do too. I wish we would show more gratitude as a society.

Thanking the Police: Summer 2019

This is not the first time we have done this. Or this time; or this one! It’s the fourth time we have visited our local police headquarters. We made them some chocolate chip cookies and Tot drew another picture. We are COMMITTED to being givers and people who are grateful. We want to show it not just talk it.

We got there nice and early and Tatum had to hug the statue like the other little girl.

Ok, here we go!

This time, they all came out to greet us! They also asked if they could publish this in their newsletter again. I am thinking this doesn’t happen for this often because we always get the royal treatment.

Police chief Alan Rodbell was so excited to see Tatum! He said, “It is so fun to watch you grow.” Wow, he remembers all the times we have come in the past 3 years.

Again, they gave us gifts. You just never knew what can happen when you care and love on others; a great lesson for Tatum.


And there it is: They put it on their Facebook page. SO nice!

Our first HAA! (Hay Arizona Adventure)

Doug and I have decided that we are going to celebrate Arizona by going to various places in the next year and a half. We have such a remarkable state, so why not see all of it?
Sunday, we started with a day trip to Prescott. Also, we’d get out of the heat.

Well, not sure if 90+ degrees is out of the heat, but it was a great idea to go on a hike in the mountains. My honey found a perfect hike for us: Thumb Butte.

Our drive was only 90 minutes which of course meant a quick break to use the facilities. McDonalds always perfect for this and to get a pretend hot fudge sundae.

Here we are! It looks promising!

After we paid our fee to park, we headed up. Daddy and Tot stopped so we could smell the bark on this tree. Definitely smells like vanilla.

Well, let’s take some home. I love stopping to admire the foliage, but darn it’s hot and I want to mosey up so we can get out of this heat. What happened to this “cooler weather” idea???

Continuing on as we neared the top, we came across this memorial. It was for the Prescott 19 which were the 19 firefighters killed a few years ago. It gave us all goosebumps.

The top was so fun to see!

We then saw the mountain with the 19 on it and understood. It’s a bit hard to see, but this was our spectacular view. We HONOR you, firemen.

Coming down was much faster; finished in 72 minutes and about 2 miles. Not bad for stopping often to shade and to let Tot grab Daddy’s hand.

Here she grabbed my hand which was so awesome. I know Daddy felt the same.

We made it!

Hooray! The car has waters and snacks. We couldn’t get there fast enough.

We headed to downtown Prescott with its beautiful courthouse.

They have a timeline of the history of Prescott. We found the date of our state founding.

We found the whole thing so amazing.

Then I wanted Daddy and Tot to stand in front of the whole thing. We love you Arizona.

After a bit of antiquing and reminiscing about our old toys, we had a nice lunch at Wildflower.

I loved the day with my family.
Cooper was being taken care of by my friend Kellye and Charlie. Charlie loved getting kisses.

And Murphy (their dog) loved hanging with the Coopster.

So good to be home with our little cutie pie. Thank you Daddy for a great trip! Next HAA here we come!

How to be grateful: Getting our eyes off ourselves

Once a month, Tot, Doug and I go to UMOM through Matthew 25 ministry at SBC. UMOM serves homeless families and we go to help pray and serve. This week, we did something different since we couldn’t go due to schedule conflicts.

Tatum and I drive by homeless people daily. Now, we don’t know if they are just panhandling or WHY they are asking for money, but it is not our job to know. It is our job to love them no matter their heart. Their motives are between them and God.

So, we decided to make homeless bags again, and Daddy helped us with the note.

We figured we’d put a note taped to a bottle of water and give them a granola bar.

The note would say: “YOU ARE LOVED.” On the other side: “Cast your anxieties upon the Lord because He cares for you.” (1Peter 5:7).

We hope it blesses them. We remain grateful for all we have, and to give others love is what we will always do.

Cooper’s final shot and the Cooper slide

He had his final booster shot today.

We waited for a while. And waited. And waited.

While we waited, we saw our picture on the screen from his first visit.

Finally we got in, and guess what? He’s 6.5 lbs now.

He has grown so much. Well, he’s grown more fur! I think that is what weighs 5 of his lbs.

When we got home, he was raring to go. We throw the ball and he slides with it under the table. Thank goodness he has piles of fur because he keeps bonking his head on the bottom of the under-table.

We throw it and he runs runs runs, emerging from his slid spot.

Go Coopy!

And back he goes

He makes us all crack up. At least until someone puts an eye out or bumps his/her head. We love you COOPY!

Toy Story Camp Phoenix Theater

Third year, sixth camp. Toy Story promised to be a fun time. How could it not be with the cute characters and fun songs?

They all sang You’ve Got a Friend in Me.

She had poise, smiles and loads of fun on stage. She really has grown in two years.

Then, her group sang She Loved Me. She and Will were partners.

Ms. Sussan has been with her since she was 4 at this camp. We wanted to say Thank you for all she has done for Tatum. Next year, she’ll be in the 7-9 group.

Great job, Tot! here’s a Emoji Pez because you always have a smile.

Luci’s and Tot

We have been waiting for this little shop to open for about a year. The building was absolutely beautiful, and we knew Luci’s was a cute little cafe and shop from other locations.

So, I surprised her with going there after camp.

We enjoyed a FIVE dollar mini macaroon. I figured you’re paying for the cuteness of the place.

She shared an arm with me, sweet thing.


And next time, she’ll consider buying an overpriced stuffed dog. Her allowance of course.

We have so much fun hanging out together. I enjoy our talks. We always do questions or I Spy. Never a dull moment with my bumby.