I went to visit the little cotton ball today.

All cuddled up

Then he came to me and just wanted to cuddle.

And then he just wanted to play with his brothers.

Oh my. We are just so excited to have you come home with us.
Living an Intentional Life
I went to visit the little cotton ball today.
All cuddled up
Then he came to me and just wanted to cuddle.
And then he just wanted to play with his brothers.
Oh my. We are just so excited to have you come home with us.
How did this happen? I blinked and POOF! Tatum is now finished with school. Today, she’ll go to school for one hour, and then head to Carley’s for a wet and wild little celebration.
Here they made little graduation decorations. She is ready to play now. Hadassah and Tatum are so cute together.
What can I say? I am happy sad. We will really miss Mrs. Holman. I am creating a little surprise for Tatum when she graduates from high school (Yes, I’m preparing and planning cuz that is what I do!), and Mrs. Holman wrote in her book.
That is Tatum. She has the wisdom of the ages. I just love her heart and her love of learning.
We will see all the kids on Monday for Graduation!
They opened up the wall of the kitchen which will by my honey’s wet bar; His cappuccino haven.
Now, today, it’s getting made! Look at the framing.
Also, cement went in last week. It’s all filled in! Pretty cool, Daddy!
Monty just put up the structure/scaffolds for the wall separating the kitchen and dining room.
Amazing! Each day it gets more exciting. Monty and Tom are working so hard. Thank you guys! Thank you, Honey for having such a vision.
Being loved and celebrated is one thing. Being able to celebrate and LOVE is actually better.
I was definitely shown so much love and appreciation from my honey and my girl.
We are loving being family. They spoil me so very much.
Flowers, gifts….JOY! I’m so blessed. My honey made sure Tot made a big deal of Mother’s Day. That is a true man.
I got to spoil my mom too with a yummy breakfast. Pics first.
Grandmama loves doting on the TOT. She loves it too.
Breakfast was homemade bagels (shaped as hearts with raspberry vanilla cream cheese, avocado deviled eggs and ham with fruit.
Mama spoiled me with cards and gifts, and we spoiled mama with giraffes and LOVE.
Ya know, appreciation and gratitude can never be overdone. My family is so amazing. Thank you all for a great day. I’ll be doting on you as much as possible.
I love you MAMA!
A post- it note of Love (we have post-its on our coffee table to be used randomly around the house for each other), a short song, a picture drawn, a rainy sky, sharing a win with the CHOPPED champion…All the little things in life that create JOY. They all come from The FATHER and then through Holy Spirit in us, and you know what? It’s what makes this life special.
I look forward to Mother’s Day with my gal, my mom, and my precious man. We don’t take ONE thing for granted, but in all things we give thanks. This verse of the week has been a winner; we will be anxious in nothing but in EVERYTHING we give thanks.
My angel is standing where there used to be a fireplace.
Look at this place now! Daddy took us through and told us what will be going where. It is very exciting to see the transformation.
Cement Thursday. Stay tuned! The kitchen/dining room/living room are all being configured. Can you believe it!?
Sadly, when I moved out of my mom’s house, I had to leave Coti. He was my 40th birthday present, and I’ve enjoyed him for 9 years. I will miss him, but I get to see him often. With that said, I knew us Hays would adopt a puppy of our own. In fact, for my 50th, this is what I wanted. I want it not only for ME but for Tot and Doug to enjoy as a family!
So……. we went to pick one out on Sunday, May 5th. Emma (the mommy Coton) had a 5-puppy litter on March 25th. They’d be ready to go on May 20th which is perfect timing for Tot being out of school.
We immediately fell in love with this little guy. Why??? Well, so you know, he was born 5th out of the 5. This teeny little guy is the smallest of all (3 boys and 2 girls). When I picked him up (he had a little coloring on his ears which I thought was unique), he and I had the strongest eye contact and connection. It was LOVE!
Then, he snuggled up to Tatum and didn’t want to leave her!
Daddy held him and guess what? They both were in love. (I could tell)
When Emma (the mommy) came in to feed the litter, he waited patiently for his siblings to have some milk and then went in. (there he is at the end right)
Tatum and I came back to visit in a couple of days. He came right out of the crate to greet us while the rest stayed in. HE KNEW!
More snuggling.
We can’t wait to bring you home little one.
I think we have a name, but that will be revealed later. In the meantime, we are getting ready! Lot’s to learn so we can all be on the same page with training.
We will welcome you in 2 weeks! Thank you, Jesus for bringing us the perfect puppy for us. We know this is from YOU!