As a family, we needed to have some type of celebration to show UNITY. What better way than through a cool new t-shirt!?

We happen!

We make things happen and we want to live intentionally, not wasting anything. We want to make our lives examples for others, and we want to be lights. That means we live with our eyes on God and our eyes on how can we make this world a better place.
Our mission statement will be posted soon as we are in the process of finalizing it. All I know is that it is fun to make FAMILY and GOD our cornerstones of gratitude and how we will live our lives. Gratitude pours out of our home.

After the unveiling, it was time for a delightful dinner. Hot dog!! (turkey dog with cheese and turkey bacon). and cauliflower mashed potatoes, butternut squash and salad.
Not bad, Hay’s!