Saturday is already here! We do have tomorrow, but that will be a travel day.
Another nice morning and for some reason, the coffee was especially delicious today. We needed an extra cup for sure. The beauty of our room is my honey can make a Keurig cup in 3 seconds flat. Takes the edge off before a workout. (we’ll attempt it anyway).
This time, we decided to carry our bikes in the back of the truck. Definitely a bonus of having this Ford beast! That way when we get to Rutherford, we could ride since we didn’t want to ride a cruiser for 20 miles, right?

We drove up to St. Supery, our first appointment. Isn’t this a beautiful drive? A bikeway in our case.

Huffing and puffing, we arrived for our tasting. Our special room was ready for us.

After freezing to death in our special room we were ready to head to our next place, Grgich. We couldn’t get in, but we got a welcome taste of Rose and snapped a few pics.
Isn’t he the cutest?
Ok, our goal was to hit MUMM since I love sparkling wine. The crowds there gave us a doubtful feeling, so we hit the gift shop.

The bell reminded us of his past home bell that we want to put in at our new home. Exquisite and unique!

Since we couldn’t get in for a tasting, we headed to Hess way out in the boonies. The Ford beast took us there in comfort since it was way up in the mountains. The architecture was quite modern and regal. My honey gets inspired often with architecture as you can see by this door. His brain works in creative ways.

We were pooped out and opted out of our reservation for dinner. Whole Foods again was the answer, and guess who got to drive the monster??

It really was quite the monstrous piece of metal, but it was a joy to drive. Not to park, however.
OK, so while all of this is happening, Tot is hanging with Pierce, Kellye’s boy. They had a blast playing!
Knowing Tatum was having fun made all the difference. Also, just being with my honey was so special. We don’t often get to spend this amount of time together. However, we were ready to get back to our home and our routine. I missed the Tot immensely too.
We said goodbye to our Napa friends, including our Ford buddy. I gave Doug a Kleenex as he wiped a tear.

Oh, baby, what a great trip. I am so grateful for you!
Tot, we got you some neat mini-hoop earrings and a HUGE HUG. Thank you to my MOM for taking such amazing care of Tatum too.

All in all, it was the HAPPIEST HAY HONEYMOON!