So, it’s getting there! Yes, Doug, my love and my sweet Tot and I are all going to be united on Saturday! This means that we need to get movin’. Literally. We are going to live in my condo while our home gets remodeled. In the meantime, we are praying for Doug’s Chandler home to sell!
I have been spending the week packing up Tot’s and my room, and various other parts of mom’s house. WOW~ 75 boxes. Half the boxes are books. Ha!
Here is the evidence.
Tatum is sitting there wondering….where is my stuff, Mommy?
We make do with books I put aside and read.

Now, I asked these wonderful movers, Moving Team 6, to move us. They are a company of men who love our country and our veterans.

Oh, see that stroller? That was Tot’s like 3 years ago! It’s a bit dusty. Anyhoo….
They, Jose and Josh, sure did a magnificent job.
Into the teeny condo we go. Will it all fit? After much lifting, unscrewing and screwing back in, it did. Now the question is will Doug’s fit? OOPS!

She’s practicing at her new desk. We have a ways to go, but it’s happening.
4 days left, and I’ll be MRS. DOUGLAS HAY. Tatum has already been telling her class that her name is Tatum Hay. Hey!!