We got a little thrown off with the saga of sickness coming from my little Tot. Friday, being Doug’s birthday, was supposed to be this E.V.E.N.T, but instead, it was more of an event. Tatum still had a baby sitter, but I had to be home early so I could put her to bed. Doug and I went to the wine bar and just chilled. We are going to celebrate in two weeks at a concert. Stay tuned.
Then the next night, we had a party sponsored by her school, PVCP. Doug and I got all fancied up. But before we went, Tatum wanted to give Doug some gifts. She made him a nice card, a rocket picture and a shirt.

I know she was so excited to give it to him.

We were now ready to go to our party. Tot sent me off with her blessings.

And, Doug and I got ready to go!
Posing outside…

Inside being silly because you know you need to loosen up after smiling so much!

Tot and Coti watched while Mama snapped..

The party was at the Jacoby’s. Their home is so beautiful! The outdoors was bigger than the indoors!

He does own a landscape company, so it did make sense that his outdoors was phenomenal!
We met so many wonderful people. I cannot believe what a wonderful school this is for Tatum. The quality of people and the love they have for Jesus exudes out of everything.
We got a few pics in front of the fireplace. He looks so handsome!
What a fun night…
Celebrating Doug, PVCP, and Tatum getting better.